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Messages - Azerax

work has calmed down and I will start posting these again
BM General Discussion / Re: Great Game
March 05, 2014, 03:34:27 PM
Mozley, how did you discover Battlemaster?
I applaud the amount of thought you have put into this.  This idea seems to come around every few months, and needs someone with the time to drive and measure it.  I know that alot of thought has gone into this topic, and finding other places on the net that BM-type players visit has proven to be a very difficult thing.
BM General Discussion / Re: "today we fight back" banner
February 11, 2014, 02:40:51 PM
the bottom of the screen doesn't load (the banner does) so I can't see my location/gold/unit. not a big deal for a day or two.
BM General Discussion / Re: T Minus 28 Days
February 05, 2014, 11:04:09 PM
I saw four groups, two were about 1400CS and the other two were around 500CS.
perhaps allow the capitol city build an outpost recruitment center somewhere (maye within X regions), but offer poor quality troops.
Helpline / Re: Autopayment
January 20, 2014, 01:03:23 AM
I see auto payment under orders->unit settings

You are right, political map is broken, no background.
Helpline / Possible bug when unpausing
January 16, 2014, 06:06:23 PM
I autopaused and when I returned, I still had my healers/scouts and all their payments were deducted until my gold on hand was gone, then they complained they hadn't been paid.

I believe healers/scouts should be auto disbanded when a character pauses.

BM General Discussion / Re: Post here for FB News
September 22, 2013, 03:32:22 AM
Quote from: Wolfsong on September 22, 2013, 01:50:05 AM
As their brethren in Madina had before them, during the Falkirk Occupation, the citizens of Candiels have overthrown their dishonourable leaders and wholeheartedly pledged themselves to the Maritime Kingdom of Fissoa. Fissoan soldiers have entered the city as liberators, not conquerors, with celebrations erupting throughout the starving city as families reunite and rumors of incoming shipments of grain proliferate.

Aurvandil has fallen.

BM General Discussion / Promoting M&F Crowdfunding
September 21, 2013, 02:55:31 AM
Post ideas, links, and email contacts here to help promote M&F crowdfunding.

I emailed earlier but it didn't make the nightly update.  M&F alpha did get a mention, so please send an email to bluesnews about this effort.  Exposure there would be awesome.
Please reply here once you send an email so we can keep track
BM General Discussion / Re: The Way Forward
September 14, 2013, 02:27:33 AM
Quote from: Varwulf on September 13, 2013, 12:52:08 AM
Well, I still thought the idea of having a game wide 'super' invasion that plagues all islands (and the first island to be subdued by the threat is the island that gets 'frozen'/occupied by this enemy force, was an excellent idea.  I suppose I was wrong though since no one commented on it :)

I am sure the Dev team has an RP reason cooked up for one island semi-suddenly being taken off the roster.  Guess we'll just have to wait and see.

Personally, I love this idea.  As Tom said though, the server move has been the single thought for the last couple weeks.  It is an extremely complex operation and making sure nothing is missed, and ends up working properly at the end, is very time consuming, even though no one will see the effort (unless it goes badly)
BM General Discussion / Re: Post here for FB News
September 14, 2013, 02:24:40 AM
Feature Requests / Re: New human rogue forces
September 13, 2013, 11:16:33 PM
There are some very, very rich characters, this could be devastating.

I can think of one possible abuse scenario: a conquering army enters enemy lands, spreads out, summons mobs, then regroups
BM General Discussion / Re: Post here for FB News
September 13, 2013, 09:57:03 PM
BM General Discussion / Re: Post here for FB News
September 13, 2013, 03:55:59 AM