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Messages - Geronus

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Dwilight / Re: Dwilight IC and OOC updates and news!
« on: March 17, 2011, 03:36:33 AM »
Well, we were certainly getting wary of Caerwyn. Baal kept swinging from confrontation to soothing words and peaceful talk. I had come to suspect that there was a faction in Caerwyn that was pressuring him hard to go to war with us, and that he was just reacting to that pressure when he was forced to. I also assumed that unless something changed, Caerwyn's internal dynamics would lead them to war with us *eventually*. I did *not* anticipate that the faction in question was actually the realm council and that they were plotting war the entire time, I thought it was just a populist thing that would blow over until the next time we did something that got the hardline anti-SA people in the realm all riled up, but I had hoped to spend a while working on better relations once Averoth was dealt with once and for all and hopefully take the wind out of their sails.

I believe you'll find that we are prepared to some extent however. Baal's earlier saber-rattling led us to take a number of precautions, just in case  ;)

Dwilight / Re: Dwilight IC and OOC updates and news!
« on: March 16, 2011, 11:52:31 PM »
Well, perhaps they're upset that their characters are being lied about, hmm?

Whether or not you're the one doing the lying, it seems pretty clear to me, from everything I know IC and OOC, that at least a big chunk of Caerwyn's justification for the war was false.  People tend to get upset when that sort of thing happens.  I know I'd be upset if, for instance, Morek Empire had declared war on Pian en Luries, insisting that we had planned to attack them next.

This. I would like to think I wasn't "hating" on Caerwyn with what I said. All I stated was the truth, which is that the stated justification for war has no basis in fact. I certainly would not hold that against the players whether they knew this or not, though I will certainly hold one HELL of a grudge IC.

Dwilight / Re: The Crusade against SA
« on: March 16, 2011, 11:36:51 PM »
I don't see what choice they have. Marching north from Candiels would take weeks, even in the Summer:

Taking this route, it would take you 236 hours, or 34 turns, to cover the total distance of 2382 miles, assuming no travel delays.

And that's going THROUGH Paisly and Port Raviel to do it, though granted I am presently north of Eidulb. Good luck Madina!

As for planted information, it wouldn't surprise me in the least to learn that someone is doing that. There are many people out there who hate SA. I know for a fact that an ex-priest of SA emigrated to Caerwyn after he was deported from LE as a consequence of his failed rebellion there, and I'm certain he's doing everything he can to get revenge on SA. There may members of the OOC clan that ran Thulsoma in various realms spreading lies and misinformation as well. I hear the same lies being repeated often by our enemies, so I am willing to bet that someone out there is running a concerted campaign.

Dwilight / Re: Dwilight IC and OOC updates and news!
« on: March 16, 2011, 06:20:37 PM »
No, no schemes at all actually, that's the ironic part. As Indirik noted elsewhere, after all the things SA actually did, it's kind of funny that they had to fabricate a reason for war. Caerwyn's behavior the last couple months has certainly put Astrum in warier frame of mind as regards them, but no one that I know about in either Astrum or the Church actually had any plans for Caerwyn at all, and considering the fact that I rule Astrum I would hope that I would know if someone was planning something unpleasant, seeing as how Astrum would probably be a key piece of any such plan.

In any case, I do believe the war will be very entertaining for everyone involved, win or lose. Definitely the largest conflict Dwilight has ever seen, or is likely to see.

Dwilight / Re: The Crusade against SA
« on: March 16, 2011, 06:06:11 PM »
Yes, it should be interesting alright, and if we do come out with the upper hand, I suppose we'll have no choice but to conquer half the world. I mean, half the world did just go to war with us...  :)

I would chalk up their need to use fabricated justifications to the fact that Rowan was very careful to avoid giving them any that weren't fabricated. As Indirik said, Astrum bent over backward to reassure Caerwyn when Baal started making trouble over the war with Averoth. We did everything they asked, basically. Caerwyn really went darkside on this one. I mean, a month ago they were offering troops to help us fight monsters. If they were planning this the whole time, it was a pretty cold move.

Dwilight / Re: Dwilight IC and OOC updates and news!
« on: March 15, 2011, 03:20:06 AM »
We managed to build a SA temple right next to Caerwyn and not start a war (much to the displeasure of a few SA people), does that deserve a medal? or do only anti SA actions get those?

I'll give you a medal for that. It flat out amazes me the extent to which SA is maligned, vilified, and reviled outside of our little bubble.

Dwilight / Re: Sanguis Astroism
« on: March 15, 2011, 02:31:48 AM »
I find the theological and political debates within SA to be some of the best and most rewarding exchanges I've had in BM. Some of the issues we have debated (the infallibility of the Prophet, whether to revert to a rigid dogma or allow individual interpretations of the teachings) are issues that I'm fairly certain were debated upon in one form or another in the earliest beginnings of true monotheistic religions in the real world. It's actually been fairly fascinating to debate these issues in the context of a young religion that is, contrary to some assertions, taken seriously by quite a large number of characters.

BM General Discussion / Re: Religions
« on: March 14, 2011, 11:04:22 PM »
I think a huge part of the success or failure of religions depends on their ability to make players invest in them in some way shape or form. Many of Indirik's suggestions are excellent in that regard. Stand for something! I for one refuse to join religions with no purpose and no agenda, which include most "state" religions.

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