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SpellMaster III

Originally intended to be a relaunch of an older project, SpellMaster III eventually fizzled into nothing. These forums are maintained in case anyone takes an interest in the concept, or would like to take a look at how things could've gone (or ask questions about it).


SM General Discussion
General discussions about the relaunch of SpellMaster

Posts: 1,329
Topics: 60

Last post: October 10, 2016, 11:12:00 AM Re: What even was this? by Andrew

SM Stories
This is where the stories happening in SpellMaster III get posted. Only in-game roleplays should be posted here, use the discussion board for questions, comments, etc.

Posts: 1
Topics: 1

Last post: August 24, 2011, 08:18:45 PM Board is not yet active ... by Tom