Author Topic: And the award for best heroic death goes to....  (Read 7016 times)


  • Mighty Duke
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I knew it was on some funny quotes page:

Famous Last Words
Roleplay from Thorson Jorvik
Message sent to Message sent to the Rulers of Beluaterra (21 recipients)
Scout Report (Lacint): Scribe Note

JeanOlivier, you have written your own death sentence. I will have your head if it took me forever.
Thorson Jorvik (Duke of Cteduul)
Approximately 12 minutes later:

Huge Battle Fought (24 minutes ago)
Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Cteduul:
Republic of Fwuvoghor vs. Avalon
Estimated combat strengths: 33000 CS vs. 6000 CS
Sir Nezumi Vecchio Ratto, Baron of Norjke is spotted wearing the Splendid Band of Glory.
soulreaver thor (Knight of Wilwau) is spotted wearing the Splendid Ring.
The hero Sir Thorson Jorvik, Duke of Cteduul was killed.
Sir Nezumi Vecchio Ratto, Baron of Norjke was seriously wounded.
Vel'dunin M'suryn'kar (Knight of Lacint, Avalon) was seriously wounded.
Attacker Victory!