Author Topic: The Way Forward  (Read 56305 times)


  • Mighty Duke
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Re: The Way Forward
« Reply #90: August 25, 2013, 05:56:34 PM »

Active characters is already 3 to begin with isn't it? So who cares.

I already made a suggestion ages ago, just raise noble cap to 3, either after 1 week or just immediately. Then people posted and the posts get worse and worse.

The player and character base has declined making the game less engaging. The devs are talking about freezing an island with the expectation that characters will migrate and increase the player density on the remaining islands. What I've suggested and several others too, is to tweak the active character limit rules to make it easier for those players that want to have more active characters to do so. There have also been some suggestions to improve the rate of retention and new player recruitment. Here are some of the ideas that have been put forward:
    • Rather than char limit increasing +1 every 12 months, every 9 or 10 months instead.
    • Offer a +1 to certain players on the condition that their character will be in a fledgling realm or island.
    • Give out more medals
    • Give a fame/honour/prestige boost to players who go to fledgling, or less desirable realms or islands.
    • Offer incentives to players that bring in new players, such as increasing their char limit, medals, fame, honour or prestige
    • Give new players more to do
    • Allow new players to start with 3 nobles
    • Allow new players to sign up with Hotmail addresses (for some reason Hotmail is on the sh_t list)
    • Encourage existing players to become more engaged
    • Do away with all the paranoid limits and restrictions