Author Topic: Luria Nova vs The Rest  (Read 32224 times)


  • Mighty Duke
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Re: Luria Nova vs The Rest
« Reply #15: August 18, 2014, 04:54:42 AM »
The fact you can't keep up and felt you could change your mind -after- your arrival and after you took Matten Dews and Girich stating "we're going to take them (because they're rogue right now) and give them to you as a sign of good will" then proceeded to keep them. You'll excuse us if we took offence.
Willhelm said no such thing, there was never any discussion, never mind a promise about handing them over. Asylon's solitary goal was to establish an independent homeland and Willhelm was always up front about that.

Apologies, but you're purely an idiot. Asylon was granted special mechanics status by devs because of the event. If you forgot that, that's your problem. While it's entirely valid IC argument to make, OOC it's simply asinine to forget that every western realm was granted that status. Otherwise Barca's army would have !@#$ itself before they made it to Luria in the first place
No need to apologise. I've been called worse things by smarter people. Astrum, Morek & Swordfell are eastern realms, and even if Astrum received a special dispensation because it was partially in the west, they're not receiving it any more. Yet they managed to cover the same distance that you claim would have caused massive desertion with the Lurian troops.