Author Topic: The Ivory Court of Fheuvenem  (Read 6676 times)


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Re: The Ivory Court of Fheuvenem
« Reply #15: June 12, 2015, 04:45:22 PM »
Roleplay from Selenia JeVondair 

Or at least those boots would  have sounded heavy if the carpets and rugs weren't as thick as a child's arm. As it was, the Princess and Her Duchess entered the brazier-lit chamber of the Empress's pavillion almost as silent as ghosts where they saw a woman in her mid-30's wrapped in snowlion furs and lounging in a throne-like chair reading a letter.

Selenia was shorter than Syl had expected, and more heavily muscled than a noble lady ought to be. Her sun-bleached blond hair, braided tightly and intricately to her scalp to fall loose down her back, was dark with water-damp. Her legs, barefoot, were dangling off one arm of the chair as she propped herself up on the other. When the Empress reacted to their arrival, Syl finally got to see the other woman's yes, only to find that they  were an uninteresting shade blue. The Empress was lovely, true, but in a common, plain sort of way.

That latest thought disappeared when Selenia moved.

Rather than moving one limb at a time, Selenia seemed to be as fluid as a shadow. She simply flowed out of her chair, all of her muscles working smoothly in concert that most great dancers might only dream of as she walked to greet her visitors. "Princess Syl, Duchess Raziella, greetings. I'm sorry 'bout not seeing you in the palace, but it is what is. Won't you both be seated? I'll grab some wine."

After her regal tone in her letters, the Empress's common parlance came as a bit of a shock, and oddly...breathless? As though the Empress had been running... But true to her word, wine glasses appeared in both the Trenton's hands, served by the Empress herself. Before resuming her own seat, Selenia passed each of them a copy of a letter bearing a Riombaran Seal.

Letter from Marinus Von Lunkhofen   (3 days, 8 hours ago)
Empress Selenia,
We have formally launched a referendum to form a realm in the city of Ete city. Do you have an indication about how many nobles would be interested to join?
With regards,
Marinus Von Lunkhofen
High Chancellor of Riombara

"Business before visiting, I'm afraid." The Empress sighed apologetically as she slipped back into her own seat.
"Behavior that's admired is the path to power among people everywhere"