Author Topic: Which interesting realms to join in Dwilight?  (Read 42704 times)


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Re: Which interesting realms to join in Dwilight?
« Topic Start: December 04, 2015, 02:50:41 AM »
Well you don't have to RP that much more, but it is encouraged. SMA at the very least requires you to try and make sure you always address people properly, don't have any silly names or silly acts or RP about how your noble used to be some sort of half-witted peddler, just keep it a more real. It's serious but certainly not no fun allowed though!

Obviously I'd recommend my own realm, Arnor. We were created when the Morek Empire was split apart in order to create smaller realms that could have some fun wars between them and have been growing well since then. We're well positioned to engage in more wars in the future as well as help launch expeditions to the west. Currently we are at war with Antiquallia, one of the other realms created from Morek, who attacked us without warning and then had their bottoms handed to them. Unfortunately their leader refused to admit defeat and then went largely inactive before they replaced him so they've ended up just sitting behind their walls slowly dying of boredom. Their fate remains to be seen, but it should be over soon and then new fun can begin :D

There's certainly room for new players and ideas in Arnor!

As for the continent in general:

D'Hara is still at war with Luria Nova and has been for IDK how many years now. I don't know how much of that war is really going on though, but D'Hara is a battle hardened realm and remains the second largest in terms of Nobles despite the fall of almost all of their old allies. Definitely also a good choice if you wish to go to the west.

Astrum is fighting against invasions by Luria Nova (who are trying to colonize them, which isn't going to do a lick of good for the island) and their neighbour Helyg Derwyddon. This is partly a religious war as well as a territorial one. Astrum is well positioned for sending expeditions west, and indeed they are the only ones who hold a reclaimed city. They will definitely be a fun realm to join as you will get immediate action and lots of choices for the future.

Swordfell is still remaining neutral, they haven't fought a war in years and I don't really know anything about what their realm is like. That could change though.

Morek Empire is a small realm with only four nobles, I'm not really sure what is going on besides Urtagoth being insane and deciding to declare war on Sanguis Astroism. He was recently severely wounded in a duel though and was replaced as ruler. Indirik can probably give a better overview too, but he seems to be having fun there as well. It remains to be seen if Morek eventually gets gobbled up by a neighbour or has a resurgence.

Madina and Fissoa in the south are desperately short on nobles, like seriously desperate. They simply don't have enough as they took quite the loss being defeated by Luria earlier this year. Madina is especially well suited to colonizing the south of the west island.
Taselak is Best-elak.

Xavax, to be taken all day erry' day.