Author Topic: Perdan, Vix Vs Eponllyn, Nivemus War  (Read 38864 times)


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Re: Perdan, Vix Vs Eponllyn, Nivemus War
« Reply #60: February 16, 2016, 10:27:46 PM »
Life is funny sometimes in that by insisting that something is, you make that insistence a reality. While I can certainly agree that it's not healthy for the north, a couple thoughts. Eponllyn is not going to be encouraged to depart from any of those alliances by constantly being compelled to rely upon them. The alliances are also self-harm to their own realms because there are no nearby enemies and the allies are too far away. For the same reasons the Southern League/Astroist Federation suffered against Luria that any Nivemus/Sirion/Eponllyn alliance would suffer against Perdan/Vix.

In terms of worry, the alliance is a paper tiger. It's not my ideal state of affairs. I look forward to more diverse diplomacies up north. It won't change overnight though just because we want it to. Eponllyn has tried to pursue new policies, but Perdan and Vix have chosen for more of the same old alliances that have dominated EC history. I do not mean that negatively as you describe the sirionite alliances, just descriptively in that to me, it looks very much like Vix/Perdan have chosen their shared history/culture over innovative diplomatic relations that very well might have reduced the alliance-chain you are now so worried about. Eponllyn wasn't alone either. Nivemus was pursuing independent policies under Catherine of a pro-Perleone/anti-Perdan nature that might have driven Nivemus and Eponllyn further apart on account of Eponllyn's (at the time) budding friendship/alliance with Perdan and hate of Perleone.
« Last Edit: February 16, 2016, 10:29:49 PM by Vita »