Author Topic: The Trials and Tribulations of Usul Soul's Life  (Read 12860 times)


  • Noble Lord
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During his time in Gotland, Usul and the rest of the continent learned of the Daemon Lord Akkan, who had made himself present on the continent and began to unleash his wrath upon man.

"Erasmus my friend come on in"
Erasmus entered, approached the desk and stood tall, looking down upon Usul. Eyes fixated upon one anothers, they stared as if speaking without words.
"I know that look Usul" Erasmus stated, "It's time isn't it?"
"Yes my friend it's time" Usul replied.

Usul motioned Erasmus to the altar which supported the huge bulk-- that being the ancient Book of Zraath, gifted to him the day he and Erasmus had met back in the days of old Cathay.
Erasmus read the passage than was being shown, and understood. The passage contained scriptures describing in detail of a demon, once a servant of the Dark Lord Zraath himself. It went on to explain how the demon had attained a degree of power before betraying the Dark Lord. The demon was known by the name of Arkan-- and he failed to bring down the riegn of Zraath.
"This figure who has threatened this island...he goes by the name of Akkan, does he not?" Erasmus questioned
"You see the similaritiy as I do" Usul replied, "It could be him..."
They both stared again at each other intensely...
"Then we must find him!" Erasmus boldy announced.

Usul then summoned Erasmus to the window where he looked out upon his estate.
He waved his hand out in a sweeping motion whilst describing what he saw. "Look there!" he yelled, "goats everywhere!" pointing out the flocks of goats scattered across the barren land surrounding the manor. "We cleared the fields bare! Soil is all that remains, so why do they still come?"
Unable to contain his amusement Erasmus replied with an uncontrollable chuckle "I..I don't know m'lord", then bowed his head to resist the humour.
"Look!, they are all looking at me as if they plot some evil deed against me!" Usul bellowed. He picked up a vase and launched it out of the window at a goat below smashing to pieces on the ground when the goat stepped aside to avoid it. "Bleeeh...!" came a yell from the goat, clearly directed at Usul.

When that moment had passed Usul pulled his attention away from the window and walked back to his desk and sat.
"If this Akkan character truly is the Demigod Arkan, he could be the key to fulfilling the prophesy of the all powerful Zraath" Usul continued to debate.
"Then we must get close to him and find out his purpose-- to know whether to embrace him...or KILL him!" Erasmus expressed "Where are we to go from here, M'lord?" he asked.
"The closest contact to this supposed false god Akkan... Spearhold!" Usul replied.
"...Together We Stand, Divided We Fall!..." -- 'Hey You', Pink Floyd