Author Topic: New Player Experience  (Read 29427 times)


  • Mighty Duke
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Re: New Player Experience
« Reply #75: September 07, 2017, 02:11:51 PM »
Adding realm histories would be a considerable amount of work. It's a lot of new code that would need to go in a lot of different places. I'm pretty confident in saying that, based solely on the amount of places I have to do event triggers in M&F. That's also a HUGE database addition, one I'm certain would see the size of the game's database significantly increase.

So when I say realm histories I mean two things, the second of which is non-essential.

The first thing is just a link on the Information page to something called Realm History. This, like the ruler bulletin, would be blank by default and up to the players to edit. At its most basic it would literally just be a text box which the users and could function in a very similar way to the existing ruler bulletin.

It would be nice if the game were to automatically record and display a list of rulers, with titles, for each realm (to be displayed either as an addition to the Realm History or as a standalone thing on the Information page) but this isn't essential and, if it were to be done, should be relatively straight forward to implement.

Ideally the game would push the above content to pages on the wiki as well (I have some ideas on how that could work and be done) but that's not essential either.

What I'm certainly NOT suggesting is that the game automatically generate a history for each realm based on in-game events.