Author Topic: New Player Experience  (Read 29441 times)


  • Peasant
  • Posts: 3
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Re: New Player Experience
« Reply #75: October 23, 2017, 05:56:08 AM »
Hello, new player here. I got into the game from a Discord clan that I joined for unrelated reasons, and their discussions got me interested. I joined the Kingdom (Highmarch) that several of the members helped to found and found it to be quite lively, with constant messaging and communication. A new noble coming from another Kingdom also said something similar, that he had gotten more messages in his first 5 hours in Highmarch than in the entire time he was at the other kingdom. I also got A LOT of help from my clan with the crash course of what things meant what, and how to navigate the menus and where to go to help out. I even got to participate in a few battles, which was interesting.

Unfortunately, I got wounded in the second battle, so I'm stuck twiddling my thumbs at the healers, and from what I can find on the wiki, after I'm out of the healers I'll be unable to travel anywhere for even more time due to recovery and since I'm in enemy territory and need to get back to the capitol to resupply (I have all of 3 guys left of my unit), it means I'll be stuck doing nothing even longer. I'm willing to suck it up and wait because of the support of my clan and because this game really interests me; but i can easily see another new player dropping it after essentially loosing the ability to play for multiple days in a row due to participating in a battle. I understand why wounds are in the game, but I feel that at the very least, the chance of new players (lets say less than 30 days playing) getting them should be reduced and/or they should heal the wound faster.