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Lurian Resurgence

Started by Daniel Coffey, January 10, 2018, 02:29:44 PM

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Daniel Coffey

Hey everyone!

Thought I'd join in with the shameless recruitment threads, except this time for an oldie (but still goldie).

I'm sure most of you already know what Luria Nova is and all that, so I won't bother with any history lessons. I know a few people are confused why Luria Nova is still doing its thing, given its southern, isolated position and not really achieving all that much lately. Hopefully, that is all beginning to change.

We managed to collect up to about a dozen new players from outside BM, all big on their roleplay and fancied giving it a go. So far, it's been a blast. A few casualties along the way but we've retained a lot of these new faces and we're all looking forward to seeing BM grow once again. If you're looking for an RP heavy realm and experience, I regularly log into seeing around 10-20 messages a turn, at least 3-5 of which are RP. Good quality and length too. I can't imagine how many more get thrown about in private. If that's not convincing, the realm is currently in expansion mode, trying to recapture old territories and fill up estates. Knightly orders and guilds alike are in the pipe works as us new younger knights look to make our mark in the world.

If you'd like to be a part of this, we all wholeheartedly welcome you to join the ranks of Luria Nova now!

I believe they say, ad victoriam.


Instead of trying to expand, Luria should move north and bring the realm into conflict with the other realms.


Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


This really doesn't matter actually.

Luria's problem wasn't its nobles. Its main problem was its location. Once this expansion ends, Luria will die again because there won't be anything else to do but fight monsters. Luria simply has no neighbour to fight with. Expanding west is a mistake and due to this quick expansion, they will simply attract more monsters overtime.


That's why I suggest they move north.

Daniel Coffey

No need to rain on the parade guys :P It was just a roll call for everyone who wants a fresh chance at some RP. As for the wargaming aspect of the game, yes, Luria's position is a little out of the way. We'll seem less out of the way once a Lurian crusade comes north to kick your asses ;) Or die in the attempt. Either way, we're going to create some fun situations for everyone once we get our collective !@#$ together and decide where the future of Luria lies. We only hope that everyone else is willing to get involved to move forward with Dwilight as a whole, not just as individual realms.


Luria Nova is the largest realm on Dwilight by region count, by population, and by adventurer count. It's also second-largest by noble count.

If anyone should move it's all you northern laggards in your pokey little realms :P

Eduardo Almighty

Everytime I played in Luria: good nobles, good environment, good RPs... nothing to do.
Now with the Skovgaard Family... and it's gone.
Serpentis again!


Yup. When I was there, nothing to do. tries suggesting moving north, get shut down.

Luria could have 50 nobles, and it would still be just as pointless without moving further north.


People always devolve to seeing expansion as a goal into itself, which is really a bad fit for Dwilight. A smaller more compact realm, especially based off Luria, would be a lot more fun than one that spreads as far as it can, as the former will have the luxury to do things abroad and the latter will be too busy just maintaining itself.
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It is always the same.

More nobles -> Everyone wants to become a lord -> Expand -> Some people leave -> Empty lands -> Less stuff to do -> More people leave -> More vacant regions -> Zombie state -> More nobles

I suggest creating your own enemies if you don't want to move north. The best option is to fight Swordfell since it is Luria's closest realm but even that is kinda far. So the second best option is to get more nobles and expand quickly then break into 3 smaller realms and fight each other.

Eduardo Almighty

You don't need to expand to move north... just move north. While this compact realm was full of good players and good RP, it's still Battlemaster... you expect to fight more than NPC monsters. Also, there's Beluaterra to do it.
Now with the Skovgaard Family... and it's gone.
Serpentis again!


The current mission for Luria is to reclaim the Imperial heartland around the Euschean Sea. We already have a land border with Fissoa and will soon have one with D'Hara. Perhaps that will lead to friction and war, or perhaps our realms will band together to launch expeditions elsewhere as happens on other continents.


Nope. All it's gonna do is make you be attacked by more rogues. Move north


Quote from: Bronnen on January 17, 2018, 03:50:53 PM
Nope. All it's gonna do is make you be attacked by more rogues. Move north

I second this. Luria does this over and over. You know what they say about doing the same  thing and expecting different results...

You had your core. You don't NEED Shinnen. You don't need to take all the regions around the sea.

You could have picked a random neighbor and declared war on it.

You chose the path of staleness, again.
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