Author Topic: Join new realm - Terran, Asylon, Barca or D'Hara?  (Read 32384 times)


  • Honourable King
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Luria Nova is pretty cool I think, as long as we're ignoring the topic. There's some cool things planned and there's currently an effort going on to make the realm generally more interesting for all players.

I'm kind of constantly whining about the lack of war and battles, but truth be told I like it there. I guess you can't really expect war when you join a realm on Dwilight anyway. :)

(not that that realization will stop me pushing for it)

If you want war join an SA realm. We have a knack for attracting hostilities. The only problem seems to be that we defeat our enemies far too quickly. Seriously, we should send like 5,000g to Caerwyn and leave them alone for a month...

As for the one character rule, it is *crucial* to the atmosphere of Dwilight. It reinforces the sense of distance and diversity because you can't just create a character on the other side of the looking glass so to speak to get an idea of what is going on elsewhere. It makes each realm truly unique, unlike many other islands where multiple players will have characters in each of two allied realms, blurring the lines between them. I think it is one of the best things about Dwilight, frankly. Don't touch it!