Author Topic: WAR  (Read 141918 times)


  • Mighty Duke
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« Reply #240: August 29, 2011, 05:48:14 PM »
Well, IVF certainly wants a war with Sint.  I suspect Fronen will get to keep Wudenkin after all is said and done, again, it would be hilarious if one of the peace conditions were that they go to war with Enweil on Riombara's behalf.  Doubly so because numerous heads would just explode with fury.

Leaving Fronen with one city doesn't seem fair, which is why I also agree that letting them keep Wudenkin along with Vur Hagin is probably the best outcome for all involved.  They're hardly a threat at that point, and giving any one of the realms surrounding Wudenkin control of the city creates another imbalance that will just be looking for an excuse to cause another war.

Not that another war would be a bad thing...