Author Topic: WAR  (Read 141924 times)


  • Noble Lord
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« Reply #240: August 31, 2011, 08:13:04 PM »
Ok, thanks. Any IG examples that you know of? :)

Treaty of Rogeshore

As part of the Treaty of Rogeshore, RedSpan gave the Ash Sea Islands the princely sum of 7500 gold, paid at a rate of 300 gold per week. After three months and half the tribute paid, RedSpan received Rogeshore for their trouble, before paying off the rest. We saw the RedSpan banker in Ser'quea every week for six months.

With RedSpan receiving a region for their trouble, it's not a tribute in the strictest sense of the word. But RedSpan weren't exactly in a position to quibble with the figure. After we sat 31k CS in Byblack they and Tara seemed to realise they'd bitten off more than they could chew. They're lucky we loved our friends in Falasan too much to abandon them for a bit of goat-stomping.