Author Topic: Who else plays by phone? Or how do you play?  (Read 20505 times)


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Re: Who else plays by phone? Or how do you play?
« Reply #15: September 08, 2011, 07:12:08 PM »
  • Duplicate the main navigation tabs at the bottom of the page. (Message, Actions, Orders, etc.) It's a real pain to have to scroll all the way back to the top to get to the links, especially if you have a battle, or a lot of messages. It's quite tedious to keep flipping and flipping to get back to the top. Even a "Back to top" link at the bottom of the page would work.
  • Message background coloring doesn't work on the mobile site when reading messages. When you send a message and it shows you the message you just sent, coloring works fine there. I have verified this using my regular computer/browser on the mobile site, too.
  • Message flagging works on the mobile site, bit is awkward. Both the flagged and non-flagged icons show up, and you don't know if the message is flagged or not. But clicking the icon will change the state. You just can't tell if it worked or not. Again, using the mobile site from a regular browser duplicates this effect.
  • Add more spacing between links. Text is small on a mobile browser, and it's difficult to get the right one, especially for some links that have important effects and no confirmation. Like a duke starting a festival when what you wanted to do was hold court. You can say "Just be careful" all you want for regular desktop/mouse users, but for mobile users it's like trying to use a normal keyboard while wearing heavy mittens. (My G2 has a mini-trackpad that makes selecting links a snap, but most phones don't have something like that.)

I agree with all of these.

I have also thought in the past that an actual BattleMaster iPhone/iPad APP would be a really good idea. It's a huge field these days and there are plenty of people out there who know how to make them, I'm sure we could find a few volunteers. It would not only be convenient for current members, but it would also get BM out there. The exposure from being in App Store alone I think could be huge.

"A tale is but half told when only one person tells it." - The Saga of Grettir the Strong
- Current: Kemen (D'hara) - Past: Kerwin (Eston), Kale (Phantaria, Terran, Melodia)