Author Topic: [Forum Game] World in Revolution 1861, Official Game  (Read 55366 times)

Jacob L

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It is time for a new focus for Spain.  For too long we have clung to the past, tried to revive what has long since been dead and what has recently been proven unworkable.  The world is no longer ruled by simple conquest of land, our nation must be strong and it must be developed.  Without industry, without massive railroad investment we cannot rebuild the empire.  If we are to maintain and expand overseas we must be stronger at home. 

To that end Spain is seeking help from abroad to bring in experts to modernize and develop our economy and resources.  This is not an opportunity to come and try to seize any aspect of Spains economy but by helping us to develop stronger benefits will come upon the helpers.  We will push forward with or without foreign help but we will do so carefully to make sure all of Spain benefits from these coming programs.

OOC:  Yeah army/navy tech levels are good, though mine will be behind a bit.  ;D
Spain in WiR 1861