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[Forum Game] World in Revolution 1861, Sign-up Thread

Started by Perth, April 08, 2012, 09:53:58 AM

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Jacob L

Yeah ship construction and regulars should be regular orders.  While some wars are longer, most wars during this time were over before large increases in ships and regular army troops could take place.  A lot of wars you fought with what you brought (though planned ahead accordingly ;D)
Spain in WiR 1861


Well except conscripts, those tended to be drawn up right before or right after the declaration of war.


So building ships is a war order? Would that be one at a time? Or can I order multiple ships with one order? how do we handle the cost?
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.

Jacob L

Ships are always best ordered in bulk.  1-2 at a time is for carriers and battleships perhaps.  :P

Any decent sized naval power will probably always buy in 5 or up chunks, especially with naval tech jumping from mostly/all wood now for most fleets.
Spain in WiR 1861


Can a war order include the following-

  • Build a supply line to X
  • Build a barracks in X, Y, Z
  • Increase pay for troops by 20%
What is Freedom? - ye can tell; That which slavery is, too well; For its very name has grown; To an echo of your own

T'is to work and have such pay; As just keeps life from day to day; In your limbs, as in a cell; For the tyrants' use to dwell


War orders are more along the lines of:

1. Army of Northern Virginia
-General Thomas Jackson is now in command.
-Orders to march north as winter ends and the weather allows, strike a fatal blow against the severely weakened Union army near Philidelphia, attacking and capturing Philidelphia as well. Ways to achieve this are left for Jackson to decide.
-25,000 of the new regulars and 150,000 of the new black conscripts to be sent to the Army of Northern Virginia

2. Army of Georgia
-General P.G.T. Beauregard is now in command
-Orders to defeat Sherman once and for all. The Army retreated towards Montgomery after the defeat at Atlanta, so defensive works should be constructed along the route, using the Tallapoosa River to cover our left flank. If the defense is successful, Beauregard is to pursue and defeat Sherman if it is militarily possible.
-20,000 of the new regulars and 150,000 of the new black conscripts to be sent to the Army of Georgia, as well as small ships to sail up the Alabama River to the Tallapoosa to assist with firing support, just as was done on the Mississippi at Vicksburg.

3. Army of Trans-Mississippi
-General Albert Sidney Johnston is now in command
-Orders to advance up the Mississippi River and engage the weak Union forces there. Johnston should attempt to defeat the Union army however he thinks he can, and
continue to push north, liberating Missouri and allowing for a secession vote to be held in the capital.
-20,000 of the new regulars and 100,000 of the new black conscriptsto be sent to the Army of Trans-Mississippi, with the 6 strong Confederate navy on the
Mississippi (2 original +4 captured from the Union) being strengthened with 5 additional small ships to provide firing support on the river, and sail up the river,
engaing Union ships and landing 15,000 conscripts from Vicksburg at St. Louis and any other Missouri cities along the river.

4. Army of Texas
-General Joseph E. Johnston is now in command
-Orders to create defensive works along the Texas-Arizona Territory border and defend against any incoming Unions attacks until reinforcements arrive. Raids are to be sent across the border to harass the Union army, and aid to be asked for from the Five Civilized Tribes to cover the northern flank.
-100,000 of the new black conscripts to be sent to the Army of Texas, upon their arrival Johnston is to attack the Union army facing him, retaking the Arizona Territory, as well as the New Mexico Territory.


1. Infanstructure
-New rail and telegraph lines need to be laid asap!
-Prioritize this before all other civilian construction works, even commandeer slaves that have not joined the Army to get it done, with due compensation to their owners.

2. Soldiers
-Dispatch to all the armies from Lee in an attempt to rally the troops and prevent more black disertion. To be read aloud infront of each army.
-Remind the Black soldiers that they are now part of the Army and will face the same consequences for disertion as the White ones, death. They are already garenteed freedom for enlisting, so why not continue to fight like they signed up to do? If the South wins, the Blacks will have earned some respect from the White soldiers they fought alongside of, where as if the South loses they will be hated even more than now.
-Tell the white soldiers, that if there had been more Black soldiers within the Georgia militia's, Sherman's Army may have been stalled long enough for Beauregard to learn about the "March to the Sea" and march to Savanna.
-Both Black's and Whites need to work together to maintain their freedom and win the war.

3. Smuggling
-The small ships that were to help Beauregard are now redirected to blockade-running.
-Cotton building up in the ports along the Gulf coast will be smuggled out with the blockade-runner, and sold at Guatemalan and Brazilian ports to civilian buyers.
-While at these ports, the blockade-runners will buy needed goods that are currently in short supply in the Confederacy, as well as paying a "tariff" to the local government and port officials.

4. Resistance
-Sherman has destroyed Georgia!! Take up your arms and fight back against these invaders wherever possible! Skirmish in the streets, plunder their supply depots, do whatever it takes to hurt
Sherman and his blood lusting hellhounds! Send information about Sherman's army to General Beauregard in Columbia, South Carolina, and join his forces to help liberate your homes!
Fight for honor, fight for your homes and families, and fight for the South!
-Panflets with those lines should be smuggled into the Union occupied areas of Georgia, with any available guns and ammo to help any resistance that develops.

More examples of good orders:


That seems like a LOT more than just four orders. In fact, you're not giving four orders. You're giving a complete set of orders to four different groups. Not what I expected at all.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


Yeah, colour me surprised as well. I may have to re-write the orders for this turn.


d'Arricarrère Family: Torpius (All around Dwilight), Felicie (Riombara), Frederic (Riombara) and Luc (Eponllyn).


Great, so we can be as detailed as we like  :D
What is Freedom? - ye can tell; That which slavery is, too well; For its very name has grown; To an echo of your own

T'is to work and have such pay; As just keeps life from day to day; In your limbs, as in a cell; For the tyrants' use to dwell

Duke of Britain

I wouldn't say that a war order is exclusive to only one thing like movimentation of armies, look at these orders, he designed generals, reinforcements each army would receive and gave them orders all in one "order", that is possible because it makes sense.

Now on the regular orders, he purely gave one order and some details and such, it could all be done in one line but he organized it.


Quote from: Indirik on April 15, 2012, 03:51:09 PM
That seems like a LOT more than just four orders. In fact, you're not giving four orders. You're giving a complete set of orders to four different groups. Not what I expected at all.

Some players like to give very detailed orders, others just write "Create infrastructure in region x".


Quote from: Indirik on April 15, 2012, 03:51:09 PM
That seems like a LOT more than just four orders. In fact, you're not giving four orders. You're giving a complete set of orders to four different groups. Not what I expected at all.

Didn't expect that either. Maybe my fault for not doing enough research.

Feel free to be detailed, I actually enjoyed the style of those orders, but if you write me a freaking book keep in mind that I have to read 20 of these things, write the update for all of them, and then crunch the corresponding numbers. I do have a good amount of free time for now, but maybe not that much.

"A tale is but half told when only one person tells it." - The Saga of Grettir the Strong
- Current: Kemen (D'hara) - Past: Kerwin (Eston), Kale (Phantaria, Terran, Melodia)

Jacob L

Those are a bit long but very vital orders call for it.

Now one of my likely orders for this turn as spain is very simple and doesn't need any explanation as though it will help it also is...well point blank.

""Order # 1 (or 3 whatever number it ends up being)

Establish national naval and army academies to train officers at in the ways of modern warfare, encourage/accept foreign teachers from leading nations in each field.""

Wartime nations will often have longer orders and some peacetime will be long BUT a player should not need to make all of them long.  Some people get a little deep though and nothing to be done about that.
Spain in WiR 1861