Author Topic: Barca-Aurvandil  (Read 12308 times)


  • Mighty Duke
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Re: Barca-Aurvandil
« Reply #30: May 09, 2012, 06:24:13 PM »
Yeah, the situation in Barca has been rather unpleasant for quite some time now. A bloc of nobles would argue every point brought up (just about), even when there wasn't much logic to what they were saying. At least one Lord got elected by giving a single sentence vote request, on the day before the election, when there other more logical options.

The realm couldn't function very well, with about one-third of the nobles causing kak or being uncooperative. It was quite interesting to note - there was the original group of nobles, then the middle group, and the latter group. The originals and latter would generally be on one side of an issue, and the middle off on a tangent. Now if that isn't saying something, then I don't know...

I'm hoping things will be more pleasant from now on.