Author Topic: Assassination!  (Read 34883 times)


  • Noble Lord
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Re: Assassination!
« Reply #30: July 20, 2012, 06:16:06 PM »
It's quite all right if you want to say that. I think my problem with these threads is that they make it appear that the players necessarily want the same things as the characters and that they do the "right" thing by some standard that could be agreed upon on an internet forum.

As a player I was handed an opportunity for (at minimum) some drama and (more likely) conflict that FEI has been lacking. As a character, Galiard wants what's best for Galiard according to his Galiard-world-lens. Those two things do not always agree with each other.

It is obviously a rollicking good time when you have a despicable character AND a douchebag player and you can mop the floor with them. That's not the case here, is all.