Author Topic: There are rich pirates in D'Hara  (Read 41863 times)


  • Noble Lord
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Re: There are rich pirates in D'Hara
« Reply #45: September 07, 2012, 10:56:16 PM »
If this is happening more than once in a blue moon, I like your suggestion. If its as rare as most here seem to imply (first time in a long time), is it not already balanced enough?
Actually, this is the first time that we knew that it has happened.  Which means we really don't have any meaningful data at all about how frequently it happens.  People have just been assuming that happens as often as often for priests as it does for other nobles, because there hasn't been much reason to think otherwise.

However, given Anaris's comment, it is probably different, since if I recall correctly (and I may not), normal nobles can get robbed even in their own realm . . . but that might be me remembering wrong.  It's been a while.

In short: if this functions the same way as it does for normal nobles, priests should have a way of managing their risk that isn't a non-answer like 'carry less money,' if this does not function the same way, the devs should say so, and it becomes just a normal part of the priest class.