Author Topic: Breach of SMA and IC/OOC seperation  (Read 11393 times)

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Breach of SMA and IC/OOC seperation
« Topic Start: September 08, 2012, 07:56:05 PM »
Summary:Breach of SMA and IC/OOC seperation
Violation:Fair play
Complainer:John Barner
About:Stuart McKenzie

Full Complaint Text:
My advy was banned from Terran on Dwilight. Normally, a banned character isn't a big deal, however I think in this case it violates both SMA and IC/OOC separation.

The advy was banned because he was "related" to my noble in another realm. However, the judge has no possible way to know that. The advy hasn't talked to anyone in the months he's been alive, and neither has my noble had any contact with anyone from Terran. In fact, my noble has never even mentioned being related to anyone else on the island. There is absolutely no way the judge could possibly know that, out of the hundreds of thousands of commoners running around, that mine was "related" to a noble from any enemy realm. Nor would my characters admit to such. Nor do I role-play them as being related. I don't intend for them ever to be "family", as one is a noble and the other isn't. The very idea, on Dwilight, that a noble could be related to a commoner is ridiculous.

The only way for the judge to know they are from the same family, or in other words played by one person, is by looking at my player profile. I feel this violates both SMA, for positing that commoners and nobles are related, and IC/OOC separation for using a player profile to justify the ban.

That is all.