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[Forum Game] Werewolf VIII: The Menace Within + Expansion Pack

Started by Sonya, September 19, 2012, 04:05:43 PM

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Werewolf VIII: The Menace Within
"To Hell We All Are Going"

In an Underground Laboratory, Scientists have been working on how expand the lifespawn of human, sort of youth experiments. During the experiments there was a huge gas leak, causing a explosion on the laboratory, the scientist and the human experiments Carmella, were exposed to the radiation. What will happens next is uncertain but most likely won't be anything good.....

The Rules
The Menace Within is a game of paranoia, deception and confusion. Hidden among  the innocent, unprotected Scientists there is a disease who will kill them. The Scientists have laboratories to analyze and synthetize a cure, but they don't know who is infected. Meanwhile, the disease acts quickly and will kill a scientist a day at time until there is none.

Standard Big Rules

There are 2 roles, Good Scientists, and a Mad Scientist.

The game is divided into 1 period – 24 hour event. Each update will be made as well 24 hours apart.

Each day, all players vote to incinerate one of the players - the person they think is most likely infected. Each day, the Disease will Infect a scientist.

The scientist have two operational rooms 1 Research Chambers, to synthesize the cure, and 1 Laboratory, to analyze people for infections, but only one can be used every 24 hours, so the players will have to vote which of both to use and with who(in case of Laboratory).


Synthesizing a cure takes 3 game days, i mean choose to work the Research Chambers any 3 days. After that all remaining scientist will be safe, still they need to choose who incinerate while they wait, because the disease will not wait.

Synthesizing will only eliminate the disease, but still the bad guys is around and will take action on his hand, or infect some one else again.

Laboratory Results will be Given the next Event. Result will be given by the computer to every scientist by either Negative/Positive Result

The Disease will spread to everyone targeted for the Mad Scientist, The scientist will catch the infection and have 24 Hour to find a cure or get the Mad Scientist, The next day the Infected will just drop dead, just before the vote counts, But before that he can still give his ideas y opinions before kicking the buck.  :P

ALL PLAYERS have to vote 2 times, one for the Scientist to incinerate, and the "Operational Rooms" everyone will use.

IF the Laboratory is the election, you have to vote as well who will be analized, sorry no tied on this since there is room for 1 person, the computer will choose who will be analyzed  ;D

The Laboratory will scan for traces of the disease, meaning that not only the Infected can be found, but the creator (Mad Scientist) as well.

The Scientists can try to incinerate multiple people by creating a glorious, Lemeard-approved tie, you know what they better safe than worried.

This is a win or lose game, if everyone dies, then everyone lose, as well those who survive will be the real winners.

The Mad Scientist and/or his Followers will Win if "Everyone Else"  is killed.

If the Mad Scientist is killed, the Recruited will become Mad Scientists, if the disease is purged, then the Bad guys will proceeed to kill the rest directly with their hands.

Standard Werewolf Rules

  • §1A. - You sign up to the game by requesting so in a post in this thread.
    §1B - No new players will be admitted after the game has started, except to substitute for another player.
    §1C - You may at any time be substituted out by requesting so in the thread.
    §1D - Failure to vote on two occasions will lead to immediate substitution.

  • §2A – Players will vote daily. See Rule 1D.
    §2B – Invalid votes (Voting for Game Moderator/Ghosts) will not be accepted and be considered to be in violation of Rule 2A.
    §2C – In the event of a tie all tied players will be executed.
    §2D - The player(s) with the majority of votes at deadline are considered dead. They will not reveal any inside information after the deadline. The presumed dead player(s) should post in a non-default colour until their true role is confirmed.

  • §3A - Orders and votes submitted after deadline are ignored.
    §3B - Orders (tests, hunts, et cetera) are sent to the Game Moderator via PM.
    §3C - Players are responsible for any Private Messages missed due to inbox being full.

  • §4A - Spectators and ghosts may comment, but never suggest a course of action, reveal any new information, including vote counts, or discuss any details of their former character, in the case of ghosts. Preferably spectators will comment only in a manner tangential to the actual game.
    §4B - When doing ghost/spectator commentary, please use a non-default colour.
    §4C - Please don't use the same color of text as the GM is using.

  • §5. - Alliances and Feuds which aren't based on your characters or roles in the game between players are forbidden. Alliances and Feuds which continue from one game to another undermine the whole idea of the game.

  • §6A – The Game Moderator has the last word on all matters.
    §6B – If the Game Moderator makes a mistake (e.g. with the vote count, hunt/test orders), if critical information has been revealed, the mistake will be kept.

  • §7A – Forging PMs is allowed. Screenshots of PMs is not.
    §7B – Posting or quoting of PMs from the GM is not allowed - real or forged.
    §7C – Players may use PMs to coordinate their actions.  Players are reminded to use the public thread where possible.

  • §8A – Voting must be done in the following way. Write "VOTE" and the person you are voting for in bold text.
    §8B - If you wish to un-vote someone, write "UNVOTE" and their name in bold text.
    §8C - In case of re-voting without un-voting the original vote will be the counted vote.
    §8D - Do not edit votes after posting them. If you make a mistake, unvote and revote in a new post.
    §8E - Votes should be oversized or clear of other text to ensure they are not missed by the GM.
    §8F - We won't be super specific about how you must vote, but be a dear and hit at least two of these: bold, larger font, white/light colored text.

  • §9 - The GM can and will remove players if the GM believes that player is adversely affecting the game, for example through failure to fulfill voting obligations or deliberate violation of the rules. This will be done through the use of killing the player's role, or using substitutes, if they are available. All such decisions are made solely at the discretion of the GM.

  • §10 - Failure to vote on 2 occasions without prior notice will result in automatic substitution. If no substitution have been found 6 hours before deadline, the player will be auto-lynched at next deadline.

  • §11 - The game will start with one NPC dying on the very first night and the first player character The Thing hunts will automatically be infected regardless of trait. This means on the very first night, there is only ONE The Thing and one NPC will die and one player will be infected and secretly turn into a second The Thing.


The deadline of this game is 18:00 GMT+2 ( <- BM Sunset Time)
Votes and orders made on 17:59 will count, while those made on 18:00 WILL NOT.

The Roles

Scientists ONLY!
Scientists: The simplest role - without corroborative evidence, a Scientist knows nothing for sure, but can use the power of his vote to help lynch others.
Mad Scientist - This scientist is the one who caused the explosion, he can vote for some one to be incinerate, but will sabotage the "Operational Room" he chooses, this sabotage will subtract a vote instead of adding it and no one but him will know it.


All Traits will be Revealed
Healer: This player has a Proterozoic Serum. If he get infected with the disease he can use it for extend his life for another day
Evil IntentionsA Scientist with this trait have a "Hiden Dark Side" and will join the Mad Scientist Recruited.
Hunter: Has a single-use gun that he may use at night to kill one other player.  May only be used once per game.  The hunter's identity will be revealed.
Escapist: Starting with 0% on the first night, and increasing by 25% each night, the player may escape from the installation, still there is not victory for a Coward, he will not win or lose, just Survive
Recruiter : Can scan one person each night to see if he have Evil intentions. If so, the Recruiter (who will be of course the Mad Scientist) can recruit him into the gang, the recruiter becomes his master.


Do I have to roleplay? No. It's fun and helpful to, but it's not required. Some players don't really roleplay at all, and instead simply post votes and accusations, and that's okay too.

What do I post?/I don't understand! You can post anything you like, really but preferably in an IC POINT OF VIEW.  Typically Scientists will post accusations. "I think he did it, just because!" or "I think she did it, because last turn she voted against the guy who turned out to have the Disease!" Accusations work better when you can back them up with some reason. Trash talking is allowed and encouraged.

I'm infected.  What do I do? will have no idea if you are infected, and in case you are found infected by Laboratory Analysis .....PRAY TO YOUR GODS!

Are Scientists' votes private or do they go in the main thread? Very definitely public!

How does a substitute work? If a player cannot continue to play, another player may jump into that role. Subs may be players who were previously killed in the current game (though there are caveats, a Bad Guy is often not a good sub because he Knows Things) or a late signup. In either case, when someone subs in, they assume the identity of that slot. Thus if someone who was playing and was the Hematologist/Psychologist, if he gets subbed, the player who comes in is the Hematologist/Psychologist, and pretends that he's been there the whole time.

How long does a game last? Depends on setup and what happens in the game. Could be as short as 2-3 days, or as long as 10 days!

Game Start Monday 24/9/2012
More questions, please refer to:,3066.0.html


1- Carmella (NPC)


Carmella the Hot Teen Cheerleader Priest Triple Voter Sorcerer Apprentice and Sleeper (NPC) has died by the Disease.

Indirik Scientist, Carmellia's Patnet #1 and underwear collector - has been incinerated.
Lefanis Scientist, Carmellia's Steps mother Lover and Indirik's Steps Father in Law - has been contaminated with the disease.

Lefanis Scientist with Evil intentions (Also Carmellia's Steps mother Lover and Indirik's Steps Father in Law..etc..etc.) -Was Killed by the Disease.

Slapstick Scientist, Selfish Healer and Carmellia's Underwear Grabber - has been incinerated.

Ketchum Scientist, Pokemon Master and fan of the Hammers - has been contaminated with the disease.


Ketchum Scientist - the Escapist Pokemon trainer with not enought badges to order Charizard and Hammer lover-Was Killed by the Disease.

Penchant MAD Scientist - Recruiter and Master of Curses - has been incinerated.

Zakilevo Scientist - The Laboratory Voters Hater- has been contaminated with the disease.


Zakilevo  Scientist - Hunter, Laboratory Voters Hater and 1 shot gun carrier- Killed Himself.

D'espana Scientist – Poor guy without traits and Carmella's real lover- Killed by  Disease Overdose.

Fury MAD Scientist Apprentice - Evil Intentions guy who acts cool on climax moments - Is gone....God Knows Where...


The Mad Scientist Aprentice


Werewolf Games: Villager (6) Wolf (4) Seer (3); Lynched as Villager(1). Lost as Villager(1), Lost as Wolf(1) due to Parity. Hunted as Villager(1). Lynched as Seer(2).
Won as Villager(3). Won as Seer(1). Won as Wolf(3).
BM Characters: East Continent(Brock), Colonies(Ash), Dwilight(Gary)


Updated Standard Big Rules explaining more about the Operational Rooms.

READ:WARMING details for more info!


If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


What is Freedom? - ye can tell; That which slavery is, too well; For its very name has grown; To an echo of your own

T'is to work and have such pay; As just keeps life from day to day; In your limbs, as in a cell; For the tyrants' use to dwell


"it was never wise for a ruler to eschew the trappings of power, for power itself flows in no small measure from such trappings."
- George R.R. Martin ; Melisandre


"The true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves what is behind him."
― G.K. Chesterton


Wow, so simple and at the same time so difficult. In for this one, of course.
D'Espana Family


As I understand it, this isn't werewolf at all, right? We're just rolling the dice repeatedly and hoping to win. There's no logical deductions to be made.
"it was never wise for a ruler to eschew the trappings of power, for power itself flows in no small measure from such trappings."
- George R.R. Martin ; Melisandre


Quote from: Slapsticks link=topic=3179.msg73615#msg73615 datshadow=red,left][/shadow]e=1348107158]
As I understand it, this isn't werewolf at all, right? We're just rolling the dice repeatedly and hoping to win. There's no logical deductions to be made.
I believe your right...

Edit: ignore the stuff that shouldn't be there that's by the link
"The true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves what is behind him."
― G.K. Chesterton


What? There's no hunting here? No accusing?  ???


Yeah. I think maybe this should be renamed from Werewolf because it's literally Roll The Dice and we shouldn't confuse people.
"it was never wise for a ruler to eschew the trappings of power, for power itself flows in no small measure from such trappings."
- George R.R. Martin ; Melisandre


Quote from: Fury on September 20, 2012, 05:11:53 AM
What? There's no hunting here? No accusing?  ???

There is accusing, and about will be hunted!

Quote from: Slapsticks on September 20, 2012, 04:12:38 AM
As I understand it, this isn't werewolf at all, right? We're just rolling the dice repeatedly and hoping to win. There's no logical deductions to be made.


Just wanted to change the game mechanic, at least to refresh our minds from repetitive (same game-different settings)

We are still on time to change, what about we add 1 villain, or at least the Infected scientist doing it on purpose.

I was int he middle of a exam when i got this idea, i know everything will be random (at least the disease kill), i wanted the game to be a resource management, instead the old wolf/village thing.

From the point of a Bad Horror Movie, i think this game seems pretty good, all you have to do is to blame the people you like less whyle trying to find the infected, or find a cure.

If you all agree i could add the:
MAD Scientist Character - This scientist is the one who caused the explosion, he can vote for some one to be incinerate, but will sabotage the "Operational Room" he chooses, this sabotage will subtract a vote instead of adding it and no one but him will know it


Quote from: Slapsticks on September 20, 2012, 05:24:13 AM
Yeah. I think maybe this should be renamed from Werewolf because it's literally Roll The Dice and we shouldn't confuse people.

Noo please otherwise Santa wont give me presents!