Author Topic: The Marrocidenian war  (Read 561343 times)


  • Noble Lord
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Re: The Marrocidenian war
« Reply #60: October 11, 2012, 07:57:04 PM »
Well, no offense but you did repeatedly deny Aurvandil being the new home of the Saxons. And now we have Averoth 2.0 in Madina. That sort of surprised me.

The Averothoi aren't saxons, and the fact the Madina realm became a Freestate is a case of serendipity, the original plan was to give it to a Caerwynite to make of it what he would, but Lex was simply more convenient over the Madina issue and Mendicant just wanted Madina to stop being a burden, particularly with burgeoning war in the north and east.

Then why does he (and you, for that matter) constantly propagandize and attempt to justify his/your IC actions on the forums?

Because !@#$ sticks?

When I don't counter some of the nonsense it becomes the accepted opinion on an OOC level which then translate IC, such as the whole clan and saxon rubbish everyone decided was going on because Nosferatu and his crowd just kept shouting abuse whenever they lost a battle, or the religious waffle being said on the forum which suddenly made it a key issue IC with people repeating what they heard OOC and not IC (There being a clear difference in the information made available IC and OOC and the way it was presented by Mendicant, which made it easy to tell which came from the forum and which didn't). But the main reason is to discuss it, which is somewhat interesting because there isn't the same forum to do it I.C.

I'm quite happy letting people hate me (Certainly gives other players something to do as well as myself) but they can at least be accurate and well informed in that hate, there's nothing more annoying than some one hating you and using their misapprehension as a reason why.