Author Topic: Remove mercenary distance limits  (Read 32002 times)


  • Mighty Duke
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Re: Remove mercenary distance limits
« Topic Start: October 24, 2012, 12:40:29 AM »
I hardly think sending 3k support troops counts as "projecting power". Dwilight needs the ability for long distance campaigns.
For realms deep in friendly territory long campaigns are necessary to get involved in any wars at all. This is called battle master after all, it kind of defeats the purpose if your realm can't get into battles. It's one thing to say that long distance crusades should be difficult to wage, it's another to say they should be impossible. Right now they're very close to impossible. The other TLs in my army are able to keep moral hovering around 60% but since my character's older and has fewer hours I can only get it up to 20% only to have it drop again. Which incidentally doesn't make sense, when I pay for entertainment I'm not necissarily going out and partying with my troops, they could spend a full 12 hours drinking while Turin takes a nap.

If Iashalur wanted to invade Paisly all by itself it would be a completely wasted effort. Even if it had larger armies and could spare a more impressive force it could only field it for a matter of days then would need to return. Once back all the TLS would need to save up more gold for the next wave. By the time the next expedition is ready all the damage they did on the previous attack would be repaired. This would be totally impractical. However if the entire Astrocratic federation had beef with a single realm it certainly does make sense for even the most distant realm to send a few troops.

As has been pointed out, the distance from Iashalur to Aurvandil is the same as the distance from Paris to Jerusalem. Why should crusades be impossible in battle master?