Author Topic: The Marrocidenian war  (Read 562218 times)


  • Noble Lord
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Re: The Marrocidenian war
« Reply #870: December 14, 2012, 11:52:14 PM »

Oh that's me! I'd just like to point out that in about 3 weeks time I went from a knight to a vice marshal and banker. Advancement is easy if you're active

Active players should be rewarded for their efforts.

If you were truly accountable and responsible to the will of the people, then you'd have your ruler election monthly as well. Otherwise all this talk of egalitarian and "accountable to the people" is window dresing for your standard, run-of-the-mill monarchy.

If Mendicant were elected, then he'd derive his power from populism and reduce the crown of the High Sovereign to a mere office filled by interchangeable  self serving politicians looking to advance their careers, serving not out of duty, honour and for the betterment of the realm but because they see it as a career, a way to advance themselves. The Monarchy is never to be debased into a political office filled by divisive politicians following their own agendas and their own policies. The office of the High Sovereign is far greater than that, it serves a higher purpose. Mendicant is the arbiter of the Commonwealth, the safeguard of freedom and the protector of the rights of the gentry and Commons, the ultimate power in deciding policies and diplomacy, curbing the interests and agendas of any single noble or lobby group and ensuring a healthy political process whereby all are represented and honour, provided with the chance to contribute; Mendicant embodies his realm, he is their national symbol, the source of their unity, the keeper of all oaths sworn and the final judiciary power to uphold oaths, the very fabric of the realm, he is also the example of his people, generous, magnanimous, devoted, honourable, chivalric and just, he exists to lead the Orvandeaux, and to present to them the ideal form of a noble. And you would suggest we reduce such an incredibly important position to elections? To allow the possibility that some one with no greater intention than to advance their own career and agenda would be able to hold such a position? Madness. The Monarch is more than a simple ruler, he is the essence of everything that is his realm and people. A Monarch is therefore far more important than any elected official, than any politician and any ruler such as a Prime Minister.

And that is why he is not elected, but consented to. The people do not choose their Monarch through elections, but they consent to whether or not that Monarch indeed exemplifies all of the above and more. Consent is far more powerful than any vote, it is far more important than popularity and it is far more representative than any electoral process. The people consent to their Monarch, or they do not, and that ultimately decides on whether or not a Monarch is worthy of ruling them.