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Die2Nite Coalition BM Recruiting

Started by Shizzle, November 14, 2011, 01:34:15 PM

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^What it says there :)

We've fallen short one member, and we'd like to fill the gap. We've had good fun so far, and anyone is welcome to join. We'll happily explain everything you need to know, so noobs are allowed for once :D

(Put this in a different thread to get a different audience than the D2N thread :) )


I haven't played Die2Nite since waaaay back in the Beta, but I'd be interested in trying it again, with a group :-)


Well, if you give me/someone else your account name we can invite you :) It'd be cool to have someone who's 'in with the bricks' :)


I'm Hroppa there, as I'm Hroppa here :D
