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Noble - Adventurer Broadcast system.

Started by Crescent, June 01, 2012, 04:01:10 PM

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Basically when nobles are in need of repair services, wish to let it be known that they are interested in buying items etc, there is a broadcast system that allows them to do it to a wider range of adventurers.


As it stands right now a noble has to manually select their own adventurers to send the message to. When they don't get a reply, then that's that. Nothing can be done about it. What I propose is a broadcast system, whereby a noble can pay say, 10 gold, and broadcast a message throughout the continent that he is looking for rare items/in need of someone to help him repair his services. State the price etc. However, to prevent a price war, the message can only be viewed by Adventurers, and it spreads out as Rumors from the point which the noble broadcasts it from. This would be how it would look like:

"Rumors speak of a noble Crescent looking for someone to fix his Old Book of Forbidden Knowledge for the reward of 50 gold. If you are interested, you can ask the courtiers to contact him." It could also be to buy any rare item, an invitation to subdue monsters/undead in his region, etc. There will be a link to message the noble offering. However, to make this even better, the rumors can be in the region itself first, next turn to the surrounding regions, next next turn to the surrounding regions, and so on. Rumors spread, don't they? This gives adventurers closer to the noble a better chance of accepting the offer, because they get the message first.


This is actually just a bridging service for nobles and adventurers. In almost all the realms I've been in, contacting adventurers are basically tantamount to talking on the wall. There is just no communication. In the context of a real medieval situation, the adventurers should have been arrested and executed for failing to respond. This would benefit players who are trying to really play an adventurer - doing errands, fixing items, etc. Hopefully this would also boost the roleplaying as this gives plenty of opportunity of roleplays. This would, of course, benefit nobles who are in need of adventurer help but unable to attain it. There's no other way to get to adventurers except personally sending a letter. Having a template would boost this end tremendously.

Possible Exploits:

Nothing I could think of at this point in time. If anyone thinks of anything please feel free to add in.


I don't know exactly how the code is set up, but there is something very similar already existing: bankers can, for a fee, broadcast announcements to all (or only nearby?) traders. I think a very similar mechanic could be used here.
After all it's a roleplaying game.

Gustav Kuriga

I agree with this, but let's make it simpler and just have all adventurers get the rumors message at once, rather than some complicated mechanic that spreads turn by turn.


Or similar to the advertisement of bounties?

I don't think there's a real need though; usually contacting the advies of your own realm suffices / you get to know a few reliable commoners you contact regularly / an advy guild is in place


Possible Exploit--something along the lines of using this for creating a spy network, or somesuch. I didn't get enough sleep last night but that's what comes to mind.

Or, luring all the advies on the island to your realm, and then killing them. That would be funny.

Dante Silverfire

Quote from: egamma on June 01, 2012, 07:06:06 PM
Or, luring all the advies on the island to your realm, and then killing them. That would be funny.

I don't think that's an exploit, but just awesome.
"This is the face of the man who has worked long and hard for the good of the people without caring much for any of them."


It's painful when advies abandon a region.  I would not be concerned about this occuring too often.
And advies do not spy very well.
I would also suggest that it just be to advies of your realm.