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The Ivory Court of Fheuvenem

Started by JeVondair, June 12, 2015, 04:06:37 PM

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Roleplay from Selenia JeVondair 

Or at least those boots would  have sounded heavy if the carpets and rugs weren't as thick as a child's arm. As it was, the Princess and Her Duchess entered the brazier-lit chamber of the Empress's pavillion almost as silent as ghosts where they saw a woman in her mid-30's wrapped in snowlion furs and lounging in a throne-like chair reading a letter.

Selenia was shorter than Syl had expected, and more heavily muscled than a noble lady ought to be. Her sun-bleached blond hair, braided tightly and intricately to her scalp to fall loose down her back, was dark with water-damp. Her legs, barefoot, were dangling off one arm of the chair as she propped herself up on the other. When the Empress reacted to their arrival, Syl finally got to see the other woman's yes, only to find that they  were an uninteresting shade blue. The Empress was lovely, true, but in a common, plain sort of way.

That latest thought disappeared when Selenia moved.

Rather than moving one limb at a time, Selenia seemed to be as fluid as a shadow. She simply flowed out of her chair, all of her muscles working smoothly in concert that most great dancers might only dream of as she walked to greet her visitors. "Princess Syl, Duchess Raziella, greetings. I'm sorry 'bout not seeing you in the palace, but it is what is. Won't you both be seated? I'll grab some wine."

After her regal tone in her letters, the Empress's common parlance came as a bit of a shock, and oddly...breathless? As though the Empress had been running... But true to her word, wine glasses appeared in both the Trenton's hands, served by the Empress herself. Before resuming her own seat, Selenia passed each of them a copy of a letter bearing a Riombaran Seal.

Letter from Marinus Von Lunkhofen   (3 days, 8 hours ago)
Empress Selenia,
We have formally launched a referendum to form a realm in the city of Ete city. Do you have an indication about how many nobles would be interested to join?
With regards,
Marinus Von Lunkhofen
High Chancellor of Riombara

"Business before visiting, I'm afraid." The Empress sighed apologetically as she slipped back into her own seat.
"Behavior that's admired is the path to power among people everywhere"


Roleplay from Syl Marlboro   

The plush carpet was a surprise, but the Empress herself was even moreso. It seemed that of the three the Khatun was the most formally-dressed of them, which rather than making her feel disdain made her mildly jealous of their relatively carefree attire. Her eyes lingered on Selenia's painted toes, lamenting finally the heat from her own fur-lined boots, but she hadn't worn them all this way to remove them now. "It is rare a pleasure in any venue, Lady Sovereign," she said carefully, sweeping into a careful bow.

She took a seat as requested, figuring that Selenia had used a figure of speech but further amazed when the Empress served them herself rather than summoning someone else to do it. She looked up at her Sovereign with a grateful expression, meeting her blue eyes with much darker brown ones. The muscular ruler of the Ivory Vale was far different from how she'd imagined from the letters; she had been expecting a stuffed shirt, a starched collar.

This was... something of a relief.

The young Khatun glanced at her Duchess, realizing now why she'd chosen such eclectic dress. As the letter was passed to her, she cast her eyes down upon it, working her way through the letters. "I-I've only got myself that I can vouch for, and my Duchess..." Once more, a look at Raziella.
"Behavior that's admired is the path to power among people everywhere"


Roleplay from Selenia JeVondair

Selenia knew that look. It was the same one she often gave to Mavia. But the Ivory Duchess was not here to reign Selenia in...

"Well they'll need an answer soon, you know. The whole reason this is important is to generate a state where our -that's me, you, everybody thise side of Ete City- have a greater stake in this new realm than the Riombarans do. Friends and allies aside, if its one thing I've seen while on Beluatterra is that things are always subject to change. I prefer stacking the deck in my favor."

The Empress gulped some wine, not a sip, but a great swallow clearly caring more for the alcoholic content than the finery of the vintage, then turned to Raziella.

"You said you contacted the Titans about Trenton? Well, I've heard nothing, and the Ivory Legion is poised to sweep out and finish the job if needs be to whipe that despicable name -no offense-" She apologized quickly, "-from the map forever. In a perfect world, Duchess, you'd get your name change and Ete city would simply join you. But the Riombarans wont see it that way if they are contributing more colonists than the Empire is..."

Selenia waited for the Duchess's response, busying herself by taking another drink and glancing at the additional empty seats she'd had arranged, just in case...
"Behavior that's admired is the path to power among people everywhere"


Roleplay from Raziella I Himoura Nifelleisca   

As Raziella entered the pavilion, she was struck by the thought that hew new Empress would've been at home more in Lyonesse upon Atamara than this warmer clime. She smirked in memory of the abnormality that reigned that realm realm, her brother's horse Glitterhoof on the council, banker she vaguely recalled, particularly amusing her at the moment. She chuckled softly, but audibly, and extended a warm greeting to her newfound Empress. A compliment upon the furs rolled out naturally, in accordance with her oratorical skill.

Yet the Empress's common origin did not pass by the himouran's notice either. The sudden informality was palpable even in its simplicity.

Raziella sat as directed, enjoying the wine. Iato had relieved her of her wine supplies in their energetic occupation of the palace. This did not seem the same wine however, and she thought she even preferred it to that she had lost. The himouran found this positive in her empress but frustrated upon herself being bested further. This and the first letter ensured that she drank heavily as well, resulting in the Empress and her own glass both being refilled.

In response to the Empress, "The Titans demand a name, of which I thought we were gathered to decide? The moment they have a name, Trenton shall be no more. It is important we three are united and affirmative upon this name. I know for my part, I have made some suggestions, but I am not committed to anything."

More deep gulps accompanied the talking and second letter.
"Behavior that's admired is the path to power among people everywhere"


Roleplay from Syl Marlboro 

The meeting turned to chaos in short order with messengers coming and going, and with each letter the Khatun's expression settled more towards an emotionless mask. The last, from Riombara's ruler, she let fall to the ground. "This isn't what we discussed at all," she observed. Turning to Raziella, she said, "Riombara is forming the new realm unilaterally. They're cutting us out." To punctuate her statement, she drained the wine that the Empress had brought her.
"Behavior that's admired is the path to power among people everywhere"


Roleplay from Raziella I Himoura Nifelleisca   

Raziella stared at the letter quietly, while the Khatun spoke, her lips thinning and whitening, her eyes gaining an intensity. Setting the letter down calmly, she stated, "This is an insult to the Empire of the Vale, Ivory and whatever we are."

Crossing a leg over another, she voice rose, "We will stand for your reign, as I vowed. But this is nothing but riombaran imperialism." Pausing, in sudden thought. Turning to the Khatun briefly, but realizing she had not mentioned it previously.

More calmly, with apprehension, "My Empress, what if I could tell you that the seceding ruler of their realm has already expressed direct concern with your empire. At the time, they were shared, but having proven your imperial overlordship, I should not withhold this word from you. Duke Owain, it is, with these concerns as to your imperial ambition."

"Behavior that's admired is the path to power among people everywhere"