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Standing orders should appear under army view.

Started by Vaylon Kenadell, September 07, 2011, 06:36:23 AM

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Vaylon Kenadell

If you navigate to Information > Local Information > Army That You're In, you'll open a page that contains the name of the army that you're in, the banner, the sponsor, marshals, and other members. I propose that this page should also contain the army's standing orders.

Furthermore, I propose that the General of a realm should be able to view the standing orders of every army under "View Armies."


+1, nice idea, should be easy to code. I would rather not have to do a message search when I need to figure out where to be.


Or add standing orders to the unit info? That's only one click away, as opposed to going through the Information menu's. If it takes more than two clicks (as in Messages, Today -top of the page) I don't really see any gain. Also, the unit page is where you end up if you open a character that doesn't have any new letters. Exactly the situation where you want to know the standing orders, I'd say.

Things as army sponsor are found in the Army Information, and because you only need them every know and then, I don't think we need another link to those.


I don't think the unit page should be cluttered, it's nice and neat as-is. Unless we used some sort of pop-open box?

It would be nice if the message tab always displayed your standing orders and most recent orders. Maybe as an option on the right-hand pane of the messages:

Read messages

    messages you sent to others
    all messages
    all marked messages (1)
    from yesterday onwards
    from today
   most recent army orders


If you just choose to filter the messages to only show orders, you're already getting that... :) I agree that we might want to keep the unit page sober, though. A link to standing orders, perhaps?


adding it to the bottom of the page containing all other info about your current army sounds like a reasonable place to put it.

I do not agree with any government members being automatically able to see those orders at any time. If they want them, they should ask someone for them. Because that makes intrigue and betrayl possible. Too much automation and you lose a lot of possible intrigues. Often times, information is hidden to inconvenience you. For a reason.