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New Estate System

Started by Tom, September 08, 2011, 07:31:41 PM

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... just protest the king out?


Quote from: fodder on September 11, 2011, 06:43:30 PM
... just protest the king out?

No, that would be too risky! I want to play cuddlemaster!


Quote from: Shane "Shenron" O'neil on September 11, 2011, 02:31:39 PM
I think there should be some kind of mechanic to officialize the realms support for the creation for a new duchy. For example when a new duchy is created, at least one new region must join it (within 3 days?) for it to be considered legitimate. Thoughts?

This is silly. There are already many single region duchies in the game.

Especially on the Far East, where there are so many cities, a lot of duchies only have one or two regions. I'm the Duke of a Stronghold with no other regions sworn to my Duchy, big deal?

With the New Estate System I can see even more reasons for there to be single region duchies. What better way to quiet down an unruly region lord than by giving him his own little Duchy Title (but no real power) out in the boonies? What better way to earn a little loyalty from someone than by appointing them Duke of their own region?

No, I definitely think these changes will be for the better and will be really cool.
"A tale is but half told when only one person tells it." - The Saga of Grettir the Strong
- Current: Kemen (D'hara) - Past: Kerwin (Eston), Kale (Phantaria, Terran, Melodia)

Stue (DC)

like said, noone is playing in vacuum, especially not those on highest positions, and presented flexibility looks only good for now.

i cannot imagine why ruler would like to have too many duchies. too many dukes would mean inflation of ducal power and rank, and indirectly inflation of ruler as well (if he has to deal with too many subordinates, he is becoming kind of sergeant).

the same way, too few dukes in overly large realm would mean having too strong dukes who could eventually challenge ruler power.

the best thing is that, having no limitations, those in power will need to find themselves what is best of them, instead of being asleep in fixed game mechanics, and their searches should create in game fun.

what is also important, there is enough background for this, so medieval flavor will not be degraded.


Finally, someone who got it.

Exactly. The question of how many duchies a realm should have is not a game-mechanical one. While there will be some limits and incentives to prevent the utterly silly (like making every character the duke of a no-regions duchy, or putting 50 regions into one huge duchy), there is a lot of freedom here, and there isn't one perfect solution. For pure game-mechanics, I will try to balance benefits and problems so that many styles are equally optimal.

But roleplaying, politics, power and personal relations will play a very big role in how a realm is going to be set up.


since duchies no longer has to be a continual patch of land. (someone in the region that connects 2 blobs of the duchy might become duke, etc)

does that mean lords would have more flexibility to switch duchy? as in more targets than just neighbouring duchy.


Quote from: fodder on September 12, 2011, 12:15:16 AM
since duchies no longer has to be a continual patch of land.

Where did you see that?

I mean, once always could have a discontinuous duchy, but that'S with regions switching out of the duchy for another. I didn't see anything anywhere saying you could join a duchy in the next update without being adjacent to it.
Dit donc camarade soleil / Ne trouves-tu ça pas plutôt con / De donner une journée pareil / À un patron


Duchies never had to be continuous. But you could not join a duchy unless adjacent. And that's how it is going to stay.

Explanation for the first part: Regions connecting two parts of a duchy could always leave it, leaving behind a duchy in two pieces.


I have two questions:

since there are going to be no more oaths, will be tournaments still be a good place where to snatch foreign knights with promise of gold? Certainly Lords will still be able to advertise but 1) potential knights won't be able to see if he's lying 2) maybe they will no longer be able to join him directly at the tournament.

Also, right now one can swear an oath to a Lord of a foreign realm when in the same region, but there are no informations on how much you would earn from it to prevent (I guess) nosing into enemy's finance too much. Would this be still the case, or can knights claim an estate even in foreign realm without any limitation to the informations they can access while evaluating whether or not to do the claim?



I heard Tom say there will be custom names for duchies, i believe it would be interesting to be able to have custom titles for dukes as well.

Kepler Nosferatus
Duke of Kepler City(region lord title), Governor(duke title)  of the Duchy of Keplery(duchy name)
Formerly playing the Nosferatus and Bhrantan Family.
Currently playing the Polytus Family in: Gotland, Madina, Astrum, Outer Tilog


Quote from: Peri on September 12, 2011, 11:34:46 AM
I have two questions:

since there are going to be no more oaths, will be tournaments still be a good place where to snatch foreign knights with promise of gold? Certainly Lords will still be able to advertise but 1) potential knights won't be able to see if he's lying 2) maybe they will no longer be able to join him directly at the tournament.

Also, right now one can swear an oath to a Lord of a foreign realm when in the same region, but there are no informations on how much you would earn from it to prevent (I guess) nosing into enemy's finance too much. Would this be still the case, or can knights claim an estate even in foreign realm without any limitation to the informations they can access while evaluating whether or not to do the claim?

I think the answer to both of these is the % of region number. If a lord offers you 30% of the region, you can then go to Information>Region List>Gold and run some quick numbers to determine how much you might get from that. The amount of taxation he can change later anyway.


Quote from: Nosferatus on September 12, 2011, 06:53:37 PM

I heard Tom say there will be custom titles for duchies, i believe it would be interesting to be able to have custom titles for dukes as well.

Kepler Nosferatus
Duke of Kepler City(region lord title), Governor(duke title)  of the Duchy of Keplery(duchy name)

You have it backwards. It should be:

Kepler Nosferatus
Duke of Keplery, Governor of Kepler City


he would have meant Land Owner of blah city, governor of duchy of blah (governor = duke in madina)


Quote from: Nosferatus on September 12, 2011, 06:53:37 PM
I heard Tom say there will be custom titles for duchies, i believe it would be interesting to be able to have custom titles for dukes as well.

You mis-heard. I said there will be custom names for duchies. Dukes will still be called dukes. But since the lord of a city is not automatically a duke anymore, he will get a different title for his lordship. Of course, if he also is the duke, he still is the duke.


Quote from: Tom on September 12, 2011, 08:11:52 PM
You mis-heard. I said there will be custom names for duchies. Dukes will still be called dukes. But since the lord of a city is not automatically a duke anymore, he will get a different title for his lordship. Of course, if he also is the duke, he still is the duke.

I actually mispelled that, i fixed it now.
Still it awnsers my quistion.
A shame though, i'd like to see the duke title customized as realms might vary in how they would deal with this (new) position.
In Madina we allready have a strong and meaningful concept of Duke, the governor, who is responsible for various things in his or her duchy.
We have roleplayed the title these last years, but this could be a great oportunity to finally implement the title game mechanics wise.
I can imagine other creative realms to have similiar ambitions.
Formerly playing the Nosferatus and Bhrantan Family.
Currently playing the Polytus Family in: Gotland, Madina, Astrum, Outer Tilog