Author Topic: Massive negative trade Balance  (Read 27573 times)


  • Noble Lord
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Re: Massive negative trade Balance
« Reply #30: October 03, 2011, 05:33:10 PM »
I took note of how many negative bonds there were before I wiped them out; if Nosferatus finds that the money does, indeed, reappear in the next tax, I know exactly how much to reduce it by to ensure that they don't get double gold.

You, we also know how much the region made in negative bonds.    But, much obliged regardless.

As for Luria - monster groups like that have been the norm for years on Dwilight.   Hurt your rurals, yup.   Be a nuisence, yup.  Keeps away TMP.  Yup.   We use to lose rurals in winters all the time.   Only stopped once they tweaked the code and once we secured the Tower.

Archer Heavy Armies are the way to go when you're playing with Monsters.   The lack of Overkill really finishes them off.