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Sanguis Astroism

Started by dustole, October 09, 2011, 09:56:35 PM

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Quote from: Feylonis on April 11, 2014, 01:00:32 PM
Consider the fact that you drove away a lot of the people who gave sermons.

And took away the motivation to give any from those who remained.
Dit donc camarade soleil / Ne trouves-tu ça pas plutôt con / De donner une journée pareil / À un patron

Gustav Kuriga

 ::) Is everyone still so butthurt about this? Jeeze, get on with it.


Quote from: Gustav Kuriga on April 11, 2014, 03:02:01 PM
::) Is everyone still so butthurt about this? Jeeze, get on with it.

We are reminded of it every day.

SA was fun, it had active people, it had ambitions, it was going somewhere.

Now it's not. It doesn't have anyone active anymore, and it's not going anywhere.
Dit donc camarade soleil / Ne trouves-tu ça pas plutôt con / De donner une journée pareil / À un patron

Gustav Kuriga

Quote from: Chénier on April 11, 2014, 04:02:16 PM
We are reminded of it every day.

SA was fun, it had active people, it had ambitions, it was going somewhere.

Now it's not. It doesn't have anyone active anymore, and it's not going anywhere.

SA had active people? I must have been in a separate SA from you.


Quote from: Gustav Kuriga on April 11, 2014, 04:08:28 PM
SA had active people? I must have been in a separate SA from you.

Yes. You were in the "I-don't-care-to-get-involved-in-SA-so-SA-doesn't-care-to-involve-me" SA.

It had hundreds of members, most of which couldn't care less for anything. That doesn't mean it wasn't doing things.
Dit donc camarade soleil / Ne trouves-tu ça pas plutôt con / De donner une journée pareil / À un patron


Hundreds? No. It has not been in the multiple hundreds in the time I've been on dwi.

However, aren't you an Elder Chenier? If nothing is happening, it is YOUR responsibility to make it happen, otherwise hand the church back over and I will make things happen. Hireshmont never gave sermons that i recall. Rabisu did. That makes one. The rest all faded away from inactivity and stagnation long before I took over. There is a very active player base in Sanguis Astroism, but they don't have anyone in the faith to motivate them (thank you for that, my schism is gaining a good deal of traction because of it).

Do not blaim me for your failures Chenier. I know exactly how many sermons have been given since I left. One. I could go on a whole tangent about that, but some of it isn't widely known IC information yet, so I won't.

In short, when the Elder Council starts treating Sanguis Astroism like a religion instead of a political old boy's club, and people don't have to be afraid of being kicked out of the church without due process for speaking up and forming their own opinions, Sanguis Astroism will be fun again. When Light and Luminary positions aren't just shuffled around for people to feel good about themselves, but instead given out for merit to people who have an active interest in pursuing the goals and objectives of their office, then Sanguis Astroism will be interesting again. Hell, the Office of the Maddening should be having a field day right now.

But don't come to me and whine that everyone who gave sermons was driven out by me, because that's bull!@#$. Sanguis Astroism lost two notable followers: Hireshmont (who was all politics, no theology) and Rabisu (regrettable, but still one man). Are you telling me that of the 100 some nobles left in Sanguis Astroism today, only ONE of you can give a goddamn sermon? If you can't, get out of the Elder Council and make room for someone who can. That is the problem with Sanguis Astroism. The sense of self-entitlement. You are not entitled to fun. You have to make things fun, and if you're an elder, that is YOUR responsibility. 
Life is a dance, it is only fitting that death sing the tune.


No one will be kicked out of SA permanently from now on.  I won't let it.  I'm sure the Elders won't like that, but I haven't had to enforce that yet.
Kabrinski Family:  Nathaniel (EC), Franklin (BT), Aletha(DWI)


Quote from: dustole on April 11, 2014, 08:26:05 PM
No one will be kicked out of SA permanently from now on.  I won't let it.  I'm sure the Elders won't like that, but I haven't had to enforce that yet.

That's an excellent step in the right direction.
Life is a dance, it is only fitting that death sing the tune.


Indeed. You want crazies in your religion. You need them to keep things going. Once you get rid of them whos going to cause trouble for you. You don't want to do it yourself!


Quote from: Lapallanch on April 11, 2014, 10:04:57 PM
Indeed. You want crazies in your religion. You need them to keep things going. Once you get rid of them whos going to cause trouble for you. You don't want to do it yourself!

At least not again...
Eoric the Dim (Perdan), Enoch the Bright (Asylon), Emeric the Dark (Obsidian Islands)

Orobos, The Insatiable Snake (Sandalak)


Quote from: Stabbity on April 11, 2014, 06:07:15 PM
Hundreds? No. It has not been in the multiple hundreds in the time I've been on dwi.

However, aren't you an Elder Chenier? If nothing is happening, it is YOUR responsibility to make it happen, otherwise hand the church back over and I will make things happen. Hireshmont never gave sermons that i recall. Rabisu did. That makes one. The rest all faded away from inactivity and stagnation long before I took over. There is a very active player base in Sanguis Astroism, but they don't have anyone in the faith to motivate them (thank you for that, my schism is gaining a good deal of traction because of it).

Do not blaim me for your failures Chenier. I know exactly how many sermons have been given since I left. One. I could go on a whole tangent about that, but some of it isn't widely known IC information yet, so I won't.

In short, when the Elder Council starts treating Sanguis Astroism like a religion instead of a political old boy's club, and people don't have to be afraid of being kicked out of the church without due process for speaking up and forming their own opinions, Sanguis Astroism will be fun again. When Light and Luminary positions aren't just shuffled around for people to feel good about themselves, but instead given out for merit to people who have an active interest in pursuing the goals and objectives of their office, then Sanguis Astroism will be interesting again. Hell, the Office of the Maddening should be having a field day right now.

But don't come to me and whine that everyone who gave sermons was driven out by me, because that's bull!@#$. Sanguis Astroism lost two notable followers: Hireshmont (who was all politics, no theology) and Rabisu (regrettable, but still one man). Are you telling me that of the 100 some nobles left in Sanguis Astroism today, only ONE of you can give a goddamn sermon? If you can't, get out of the Elder Council and make room for someone who can. That is the problem with Sanguis Astroism. The sense of self-entitlement. You are not entitled to fun. You have to make things fun, and if you're an elder, that is YOUR responsibility.

I was doing things for SA before your little circus. So was Hireshmont, Rabisu, and others that left. Sermons? Maybe not. But you seem to assume that reality limits itself to what you see. It's not because we weren't making things public to your agents and yourself that we weren't doing anything. Then you came and had a huge dump on it all.

And we've seen you have your go. You did no better. What you consider "fun" I consider to be among the lamest crap I've seen in BM. You are one of these people that are out to win, and don't care for the consequences their acts have on others.
Dit donc camarade soleil / Ne trouves-tu ça pas plutôt con / De donner une journée pareil / À un patron


One of the few perks I get as Justiciar is to make whatever ranks I want.  I would like to see some variations within SA.  Allowing sects to form within the church that have their own ranks to identify themselves might help SA grow and gain a little more flavor.
Kabrinski Family:  Nathaniel (EC), Franklin (BT), Aletha(DWI)


And then you went on to give a top rank to Alaster, probably the second-most-hated member of SA.

How generous of Jonsu. Now we don't just have to deal with true faithful and with those who are only there to destroy it, but we can also split the true faithful among those who would never accept a Kabrinski's authority and those who would only do so reluctantly.

A Kabrinski who is now threatening to act as a dictator and is planning to metamorph the Church into something it was never close to being. No offense, dustole.

And you accuse me of not being "active" enough. That Machiavel didn't do enough sermons. Every time Machiavel spoke in the Church, when you were there (and often when you weren't even there anymore), you went about to badmouth Machiavel and discredit him. And now you should be surprised that Machiavel contends himself with private interactions? If it hadn't been for Jonsu and her clique badmouthing him every time he uttered a word, regardless of what it was, maybe he'd be more willing to discuss things publicly.

You play destructive characters, Justin. That's what you find fun. That's what gives you thrills. And you are ready to go to any lengths to win. You don't consider other people's fun. When you make concessions, it's for self-gratification, and your concessions are as destructive as the actions they are supposed to undo.

The damage Enoch and Jonsu did to SA is irreparable. You guys won. Congrats.
Dit donc camarade soleil / Ne trouves-tu ça pas plutôt con / De donner une journée pareil / À un patron


Quote from: Chénier on April 12, 2014, 12:00:36 AM
I was doing things for SA before your little circus. So was Hireshmont, Rabisu, and others that left. Sermons? Maybe not. But you seem to assume that reality limits itself to what you see. It's not because we weren't making things public to your agents and yourself that we weren't doing anything. Then you came and had a huge dump on it all.

I probably saw more than most, and even I would still say the backroom efforts were lackluster. Everyone else was doing what I was doing. Using SA as a tool for their character and was content rotating the same leadership around.

Even if you and every other Elder were working behind Enoch's back, SA was still lost. Founder lost, crusade after crusade lost, holy sites and theocracies to go in the future. I'm glad Stabbity stepped down after the majority of people had a chance to draw lines in the sand, but stagnation in the elder council is/wasn't even the beginning of SA's problems. SA was ineffectual.

I'm sure many characters long for the day when SA could bat an eyelash and people would tow the line, but it was all a bluff. SA can't project power. All effort has to go to keeping the status-quot, or it all falls in on itself. For long stretches of time, that status-quot was discouraging conflict so the bluff was never tested.
Eoric the Dim (Perdan), Enoch the Bright (Asylon), Emeric the Dark (Obsidian Islands)

Orobos, The Insatiable Snake (Sandalak)


SA was either going to die slowly or with a big bang. People obviously chose the former.