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Feature Cut: Takeovers

Started by Tom, November 03, 2011, 11:51:08 AM

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Which is why even regions ruled by fear will not switch on the first sight of someone new. They are not even necessarily easier to take.

It is easier and faster to take over a region by fear - how easy it is to take a region ruled by fear depends on how well it is ruled. The thing about fear (in the future, once it's used for more than the TO itself) is that you have to keep it up, while sympathy lasts longer without active reminders.

For the moment, it's largely irrelevant, it's just two ways of taking the region, they have advantages and disadvantages.


So I also posted this in the thread about bugs related to the update that this went to Testing in, but in case it's actually working as designed I thought I'd also mention it here.

In Fronen on BT, we are being told that it will take just over 2,000 men to initiate a TO of Tindle, which is a medium to large rural region. needless to say, 2,000 men is a hell of a lot for any realm to produce. For some realms, I'd go so far as to say it's impossible. And it's probably not feasible for most realms in the aftermath of a battle.

So, I guess I'm saying that I think the numbers could use some adjustment here...


That is definitely a bug. It should be around 10% or 200 soldiers for a region like Tindle. I'll try to find out what's going on.



Can you test again, please? And report the numbers? It should be much better now.


Looks good now. Thanks Tom!

Out-of-Character from Jord Jorvik   (47 minutes ago)
Message sent to everyone in your realm (31 recipients)
Seems ok now in Tindle :

here are too few soldiers of your realm here to even attempt a takeover. You will need at least 274 soldiers of your realm available (in the region, not travelling, not wounded, not retreated or rallying, etc.) to initiate a takeover.

Thor Stroobants
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So if you crush an enemy's mobile force and stand in their capital, then assuming they can't afford to recruit a big enough force to dislodge you, it's impossible for the takeover to fail as long as you've got the gold to stay in the field and keep doing the TO actions?


You Need to keep a minimum amount of troops in the region  or the TO will still fail. But if you can do that, then yes.


Good news. And does the TO instantly fail if you drop below that number of troops, or are there warnings first? And is that required number displayed anywhere?


Quote from: Velax on December 20, 2011, 06:26:49 PM
Good news. And does the TO instantly fail if you drop below that number of troops, or are there warnings first? And is that required number displayed anywhere?

Yes, no, no.


I am raising this thread from the dead so its more recent and I don't forget it exists. Because there is still TODO with this.


I didn't notice the post date at first and was kind of confused.
Taselak is Best-elak.

Xavax, to be taken all day erry' day.


TODO. is that similar to a moto or less  fuzzy and cuddling?
Quote from: GundamMerc on October 01, 2015, 08:28:47 PMBy the way, would love to see you coordinate three realms without having an OOC teamspeak with everyone on it.
