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Fifth Invasion

Started by Lefanis, December 02, 2011, 02:43:06 PM

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Quote from: fodder on March 06, 2012, 11:13:03 AM
eh... my point is not that they are crap.. but my archers shooting into melee do more than 1 or whatever dmg.. anyone else seen that elsewhere?

Yes, been that way for my archers for a while.
Previously of the De-Legro Family
Now of representation unknown.


right.. never noticed because i don't think i've been in the position to see it.. heh.. great fix.

oh.. and overlord just spammed a load of scrolls (one lowering morale apparently) and we have another 10kcs daimons to fight.. XD....

my typical luck.. previous battle, my hero with infantry withdrew the round before we won... 90% and they legged it at 50% (they did lots of dmg too!) meh.. so much for chance to gain prestige.


Quote from: Arrakis on March 06, 2012, 10:32:25 AM
His first unit of Black Daimons was quite devastating. I remember them routing a whole bunch of units.

You had a really, really strong infantry wall there. And yet, you lost 350 soldiers on the initial charge alone, and while yes, you wiped the Black Daimons out, by the time you were done your men were shaking with fear so that on the advance to the Daimon archers in the rear, lots and lots of them broke and fled after taking the tiniest amount of casualties.

You fought a great battle, but imagine your infantry wall against any human unit of ~200 and you'll agree the Black Daimons are fearsome enemies. Even surviving the first melee round against that wall of yours is a feat.


of course.... if it didn't charge 2 columns at a go and stopping the 2 odd ducks from moving.. there wouldn't have been 1 single wall XD probably... should be fun to see what happens next turn...


Daimons are Daimons, none of us wants to see them on the opposing side of the battlefield, but I believe when they are saying Black Daimons are not that strong they are using other Daimons for a comparison base. Though I still remember Black Daimons kicking our asses even behind walled protection with their goddamn charges.
d'Arricarrère Family: Torpius (All around Dwilight), Felicie (Riombara), Frederic (Riombara) and Luc (Eponllyn).

Tan dSerrai

Black Daimons:
I remember facing Overlords initial black daimons when he was outnumbered /and/ we had a good infantry wall. His charges were even more devastating than the one from this morning. I admit I was surprised to see us winning that battle - if I would have been Rios general would not have engaged Overlords forces on an equal CS basis.

Well, I look at it this way: Riombaras warriors are by now so hardened that they state 'What? T'was no singular, completely hopeless slaughter? Only wading kneedeep in our blood and entrails? You young pup shoul'da seen the OLD outfit and what we were up against...'


I must admit I totally expected us to lose the battle in Melegra as well ;D


I thought we had a chance because I know that daimons routinely fudge their CS numbers, sometimes drastically. Also, with that much infantry, all in box formations, we had about as good an army as you can get to face that type of charge.

Tom, I don't think anyone is understating the black daimons. It's just that we've already seen even worse during this Invasion. In the early part of it when the North was still coming south to help out we fought Overlord in one of Enweil's regions and his daimons hit our battle line for 22,000 hits on the initial charge, almost double what this unit pulled off. Compared to that, these guys were a piece of cake.

Terrifying, soulless, evil cake of death, but still cake.


Well, at least Darkest Hour of the North is rotting in a Nothoi dungeon right now. Unless he's escaped or such.


And Midnight of the West is dead
Stryfe Family: Tristan - Heorot/ Scherzer - Nothoi / Finan - Caelum / Arya - Farronite Republic


On that subject I've concluded that executing those commanders is worse than pointless. It's like giving them a free teleport to anywhere Tom can start a new character. It's much better to just keep them locked up for as long as possible.

Killing them in battle isn't bad since their unit then disappears (I think). Best to capture them and hold them though.


I believe Commanders aren't created so freely. Many believe that killing them enough times will kill them off for good, as witnessed by their name changes.


If nothing else, it forces Tom to come up with more creative names for them. :P
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


Quote from: Telrunya on March 06, 2012, 05:57:58 PM
I believe Commanders aren't created so freely. Many believe that killing them enough times will kill them off for good, as witnessed by their name changes.

Yes I know. And if you can point me to a single shred of evidence to this effect that isn't rumor, superstition or hearsay, I will eat my shoe.

They have a different name every time because the server doesn't allow you (or a GM) to create a character with exactly the same name as one of your previous characters connected to the same family. Remember the last Invasion where the daimon GM would try to bring his killed characters back to life, only he couldn't exactly? He had to resort to silliness like removing a single character from the original name and then pretending it was the same commander, back from the dead, in all his RPs.

I am 100% convinced that any supposition that if we kill enough of them, they'll stop coming back, is pure fantasy on the part of the players. I mean come on, we're up to what, 9th Son now? And they just keep on coming. If there was a limit, don't you think Overlord would be at least slightly more cautious about throwing them away?


Quote from: Indirik on March 06, 2012, 06:01:03 PM
If nothing else, it forces Tom to come up with more creative names for them. :P

"a tad after sunrise"?

there's a 10th son somewhere..