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Region Description

Started by Zakilevo, December 18, 2011, 07:45:00 PM

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So some of people in Astrum got this feedback saying their descriptions got rated. Did GMs just go through a bunch of them or something?

Well mine got rejected but I am not gonna change them :P


Aye. mine for Duil was classified as bad. As I said before - all well and good saying that someone may have had a bad day, but I'd at least like some pointers on how to improve it, or why it was bad.


Mine was reviewed today as well:

QuoteDescription Reviewed   (5 hours, 37 minutes ago)
The new description of your region has been reviewed by a GameMaster, and has been rated bad.
Please keep in mind that these ratings are just feedback, and as we are all human, are influenced by mood and other circumstances. If you disagree, that's fine.

I did change it recently (couple of months ago), so perhaps it was reviewed because of that.  However, the only things I changed were grammatical, ie changing "it's height is almost as great as it's breadth" to remove the errant apostrophes and before that it hadn't been updated since about 2009 I think; it may even have been 2007.  Since the description has been there far longer than I've been in the realm, it's not something I can just go and change without removing items of information that may be part of the realm's rp'd history.

It doesn't do any of the obvious mistakes (eg list the names of the current lord/knights/realm or go on a political rant) - the only mention of characters and any politics is to say that a previous lord built a wall following a revolution.  Since wall-building and revolutions are game-mechanic driven, they are factual and I see no reason why they shouldn't be listed in the description to give a little history, given it was related to the region in question.

The reason I didn't change anything other than grammar when my character took the lordship was because I thought it was ok.  Obviously the previous lord also thought it was ok.  As did the one in between (unless he just didn't care) since it hadn't been changed by the previous lord's character either.

I know the message says that it's just feedback, but if the game master doing the rating thinks he's seen something bad about it that all three-or-more previous lords have missed, then it's not much use to me if he doesn't point out what the problem is.  He may well have a good point - perhaps he's noticed some part of the description that is anachronistic or clashes with information somewhere else in the game - but clearly I've not spotted it as a problem, or I'd have changed it.

If you want me to improve my description, you have to tell me what you don't like about it.  Else I'm just going to assume you roll a dice and click "bad, good, excellent" at random without a penny of thought going into the process.


Well if GMs are not going to tell us what to improve on, I don't see any point of changing mine. Truthfully I have no idea what to change so I will just leave it as it is. And I changed it a couple months ago. If they were going to review it, they should have done it while I still had the interest.

I am sure someday someone who can write better than me will change mine for me  ;)


There should be more to the reason than that in the feedback, there are a lot of additional 'options' they have to choose from that helps us understand what it is that needs improving. It appears as if something has gone wrong somewhere.
WARNING: Outer Tilog is different...


As James said: This appears to be a bug. The reviewers do have the option to be more specific, and usually use it.