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Beyond the Blight

Started by Tom, December 30, 2011, 08:26:25 PM

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Since I'm sure the question will come up:
Why is Beyond the Blight not free?

That has two reasons.
First, it is much easier for getting it published. Publishing services don't work for free, so the best deal available to small, unknown authors like me is finding one of the services who offer to do your self-publishing for you - at a cut of the book price. Since they want to earn something to pay their bills, that price is by necessity not zero.
Two, as some of you may know, I have founded my own company in 2011. That means I need a justification towards myself when I do things like this, because I could do work that puts bread on the table in the same time. While the book would have to become a bestseller in order to give me the same income I make as a professional in my real job, it does satisfy my consciousness if I make at least a little money.


Nice! The expansion turned out to be something I wasn't expecting again and it sounds great. My study books can wait a day! Didn't know you had your own company, but I'm sure we will all cheer on the thought of the book becoming a bestseller ;)


On that matter.

If everyone who is interested in it buys it on the same day (say... the release day...) it might have a chance to reach a spot in some Amazon top seller list or whatever, which then creates a feedback process where people get interested and buy it, keeping it on top, etc.

I know it works for iPhone/iPad apps.


Does it work on a normal computer as well? Is it going to be in a PDF format or something like that?

Gustav Kuriga

Ummm... Tom? You might have some competition from a band by the same name. v_v


Quick suggestion--one thing that did with the Machine of Death book, is offer podcasted readings of various chapters.

You may want to consider releasing at least the first few paragraphs of some of 8 stories as a sample.


Quote from: Gustav Kuriga on December 31, 2011, 12:55:02 AM
Ummm... Tom? You might have some competition from a band by the same name. v_v

I don't think either of us cares - free marketing for both parties. :-)

Quote from: egamma on December 31, 2011, 04:43:10 AM
You may want to consider releasing at least the first few paragraphs of some of 8 stories as a sample.
The first three stories are available in-game, and I think someone copied one of them to the Wiki.


What. First three copies are available in game? How do we access that?


Quote from: Zakilevo on December 31, 2011, 10:45:50 AM
What. First three copies are available in game? How do we access that?

Stories, not copies. They were posted as role plays to the realms they happened in.


Beyond the Blight has been finished and is on its way through the distributor verifications, etc. - no ETA, but I will let you know as soon as it is available.


It has now been released. Purchase links are on the wiki page (see first post).

Shopping guide:

  • If you own a Kindle - use the Amazon link
  • If you own any other e-book reader - use the Lulu link
  • If you insist on buying it in the iTunes/iBooks store or the Barnes&Noobles Nook store only - wait a few days, it's coming there.


When I read the Prologue on the preview all I was thinking is 'I experienced those last invasions. I was there. I was one of the folk who got rolled over by the blight. This is so cool!' Honestly, it's making me regret retiring Attila and not being part of Beluaterra for this one. What was I thinking? Definitely had to purchase so I could get a taste of the Fifth Invasion :-)

Quote from: Tom on January 08, 2012, 03:22:25 PM
  • If you own a Kindle - use the Amazon link

And even if you don't have a Kindle, you can still buy Kindle books and use the Kindle for PC app available for free through Amazon so don't let that put you off a purchase!


I read it on my Android phone with the Kindle app. :) I really enjoyed the pre-release copy. Looking forward to the final.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


Do I have to point out that a few positive (but honest) reviews would be really cool? :)