Author Topic: Family reunion: House Bedwyr (With Permission)  (Read 6640 times)


  • Mighty Duke
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Some distance away, a man stood watching Celyn and his retinue. The upper half of his body was obscured by the shadow of a large oak, but his silhouette revealed a sinister characteristic. His left arm was mostly missing, with only about half of the upper arm still attached to his shoulder. His clothing was that of a warrior noble, yet no crests or emblems could be seen. A black, unmarked kite shield was slung over his shoulder and a studded leather belt was tied around his waist, with an unsheathed scimitar hanging on each hip. The one on the right seemed as good as new, while the other appeared to be heavily used, with many chips and bits missing from the blade edge. A gloved fist gripped the handle of the sword.

"Celyn...", a hateful voice growled.