Author Topic: Banks Charging/Stealing Gold?  (Read 6800 times)


  • Mighty Duke
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Re: Banks Charging/Stealing Gold?
« Reply #15: January 24, 2012, 06:51:45 PM »
That's one of the tax reports that gave me negative gold.

Region Tax Report   (14 days, 12 hours ago)
message to the lord and knights of Twainville
The following taxes were collected in Twainville. The tax rate for this collection was 10 % and the lords share was 10 %.

Regional income and expensesPeasants Taxes   18 gold
Militia Payment   - 20 gold
Collectable Tax Gold   -2 gold
Estate of   Size   Peasants   Tax Collected   Knight Share   Lord Share
Brackern   40 %   300   -1 gold      -1 gold
Ceinwyn   40 %   300   -1 gold   -1 gold   -0 gold
(vacant)   20 %   150   -1 gold      -1 gold
Region Totals         -3 gold   -1 gold   -2 gold

Lord and Duke SharesLord Share   -2 gold
Dukes Share   - -2 gold
Lords Tax Income   nothing

Militia payments can not be made in full, resulting in loss of morale and desertions.