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Lords removed from their positions

Started by Charles, February 25, 2012, 01:50:05 AM

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As duke it would be nice to recieve a message indicating that a lord was removed from their position.  In addition to this it would be nice to know why they lost their position.  Something like:

"Lord X has been removed as Lord of region Y due to *.  You will need to find a replacement soon."

*being injured in Battle/by an infiltrator.
*being captured by enemy troops
* inactivity.
*(what ever other reasons lords get removed)

Also, is there any plan for Dukes to be able to kick lords from their positions?


I believe there is already a message about a lord being removed. At least there used to be. And it did contain the reason. Pedhaps it doesn't work in all situatons?

As far as removing lords, no. That is not allowed, and it is absolutely intentional.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


As a duke I am yet to recieve a message like that on Beluaterra. 

As for removing lords, it would sometimes be handy, but I am not requesting it nor hoping that it becomes part of the game.
I had had a discussion with another duke who viewed regions in a duchy to be similar to estates in a region.  It was suggested that being able to kick a lord was a feature that was in the works.  "if they can be appointed they should be able to be removed" was the statement.


He's confused by an inconsistency in the system. Estates work differently than regions and duchies, in both appointment and removal.

Estates can be picked up by the knight, i.e. the one lower in the hierarchy. That is why the lord, i.e. the one higher, can kick them out.

But lords and dukes are appointed by the one higher up, or elected.


Ok, that answers the question about removing a lord. 
What about the message?  I do not get any in Beluaterra (Fronepu, Melhed).  For any realm where the lords are appointed by the Duke a message like that would be good.