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[Forum Game] World in Revolution 1861, Official Game

Started by Perth, April 13, 2012, 08:37:59 AM

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Pacific Entente

The United States of America, Empire of Japan, and Empire of Russia, recognising their commonalities and mutual interests, hereby come together into alliance, to facilitate trade, commerce, mutual development, and joint military cooperation. 


  • Tsar Aleksandr II Nikolaevich of the Empire of Russia
    [ ] President Abraham Lincoln of the United States of America
    [ ] Emperor Kōmei of the Empire of Japan
What is Freedom? - ye can tell; That which slavery is, too well; For its very name has grown; To an echo of your own

T'is to work and have such pay; As just keeps life from day to day; In your limbs, as in a cell; For the tyrants' use to dwell

Dante Silverfire

Pacific Entente

The United States of America, Empire of Japan, and Empire of Russia, recognising their commonalities and mutual interests, hereby come together into alliance, to facilitate trade, commerce, mutual development, and joint military cooperation.


[X]Tsar Aleksandr II Nikolaevich of the Empire of Russia

[ ] President Abraham Lincoln of the United States of America
[X] Emperor Kōmei of the Empire of Japan
"This is the face of the man who has worked long and hard for the good of the people without caring much for any of them."


Pacific Entente

The United States of America, Empire of Japan, and Empire of Russia, recognising their commonalities and mutual interests, hereby come together into alliance, to facilitate trade, commerce, mutual development, and joint military cooperation.


[X]Tsar Aleksandr II Nikolaevich of the Empire of Russia
[X] President Abraham Lincoln of the United States of America
[X] Emperor Kōmei of the Empire of Japan
After all it's a roleplaying game.


To: The Pacific Entente Signatories
Re: Chinese Participation

The Empress Dowager Cixi, on behalf of the Tiongzhi Emperor, congratulates the great powers of the United States, Japan, and Russia on their alliance to promote stability and prosperity. The stability of the Pacific is of significant, ongoing concern to the Empress Dowager, and she wishes to support the Pacific Entente in its noble objectives. To that end, she wishes to express China's interest in participating in the Pacific Entente, if acceptable to the existing signatories.
"A neutral humanism is either a pedantic artifice or a prologue to the inhuman." - George Steiner


The Russian Empire

Declaration of hostilities

Russia hereby announces its intent to go to war against the barbaric Qajars of Persia, and liberate the people of Persia from the persecution of Naser al-Din Shah Qajar.

A few of Persian troops were spotted infiltrating the city of Yerevan, into Russian territory, and thankfully caught and executed. We have also been hearing disturbing rumors that they are mobilising, to steal Armenia and Azerbaijan from Russia. We will be defending ourselves, and putting a stop to this madness from the Qajars, who for the fourth time have broken their word to Russia- first in 1796, then again in 1804, my uncles reign. They broke the treaty of Gulistan shamelessly in 1813, slaughtering many of Russian men, women, and children (without so much as a war declaration), and now, they have broken the Treaty of Turkmenchay, signed by my fathers own hand. I wont allow this to go unnoticed, for it is an insult to Russia and her people, and sullies my fathers memory. The Empire of Russia has been silent and endured their hypocrisy for long enough. Far too long have the Qajars eyed Russia with greed and malice. Now we go to war.

Russia shall free the Russian slaves in the Shah's armies, and prevent the looting by the Shah of his own people. Should the Persian troops lay down their arms, they shall be granted amnesty, and those that take up the Russian cause will be paid their annual salary of 5 tomans, and two sacks of wheat, which they never receive in full from the Shah.

Russia shall put an end to the mismanagement of the Qajars, and rebuild Persia to its former glory, developing its infrastructure and industries, and putting an end to the corrupt practices of the Shah. Russia shall liberate the people of Persia from the disease of the Qajar dynasty.

OOC- edit is research mistake- 5 Tomars, not 4, and 2 sacks of wheat, not one.
What is Freedom? - ye can tell; That which slavery is, too well; For its very name has grown; To an echo of your own

T'is to work and have such pay; As just keeps life from day to day; In your limbs, as in a cell; For the tyrants' use to dwell


The Austrian Empire

The Austrian Empire supports the Russian Empire's punitive expedition against the Qajars who have been responsible for many atrocities against the Russian people, including enslavement Russian people and their attacks on Russia.  We have been assured that the Russian Empire will respect the integrity of other powers in the region during their punitive expedition.  We wish for a quick and successful resolution to their expedition.


Declarations of Hostilities
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland hereby announces its intent to liberate the Persian people from the oppression of the Qajar dynasty under the current rule of Naser al-Din Shah Qajar and to relieve the the people's of the that region from the turmoil that the Qajar government has caused.

In light of the recent Persian treachery and general uncivilized acts of barbarism, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland cannot stand idly by as its neighbors devolve themselves into such shamelessness. We extend a sympathetic plight against the innocent people's of both Russia as well as the Persian people themselves who have been subject of the tyranny of the Qajar dynasty.

The Qajar's hand has not always been set to move against Russia, for their eyes are greedy and they look upon all lands to subject under themselves. Their heart was set in for the City of Herat which their motives of capturing the location rung true. In a glorious defense, the British expedition successfully defended Afghanistan from the aggressors and vanquished the Persian invaders. Despite the attempts to draw up a formal border, the Qajars have constantly frustrated attempts to properly attain a resolution.

The turmoil has been too much for the United Kingdom to merely watch and react, for today we take action. Let Persia be liberated from the Qajars!


[Qing Dynasty]

The Empress Dowager has signed the following agreement with the Kingdom of the Netherlands:

The Kingdom of the Netherlands shall hold the right to establish a free trading house in Shanghai, under the normal legal jurisdiction of Qing officials in Shanghai, and have import duties remitted to Dutch traders after collection until the end of this agreement. Furthermore, the Qing Empire grants the Kingdom of the Netherlands the right to station 150 soldiers in Shanghai for as long a time as the free trading house is present. The Qing Empire also grants the Kingdom of the Netherlands the right to establish a consulate in Shanghai and, if they desire it, an embassy in Peking. Dutch officials shall be treated with equality to all other foreign officials.

In exchange, the Kingdom of the Netherlands shall deploy 5,000 regular soldiers to Shanghai with all haste to assist in the quelling of the Taiping Rebellion. They may be accompanied by up to 1 artillery piece per 200 soldiers, 1 small ship per 500 soldiers, and 1 large ship per 1500 soldiers. These ratios shall be fixed and immutable. Those soldiers may remain in Qing territory until such a time as Nanking has been returned to Qing control. Furthermore, Dutch forces shall fully withdraw (leaving only a maximum of 150 soldiers) within 1 year of the conquest of Nanking. Import remittances shall continue for 24 months after the cessation of hostilities.

This agreement is signed with the understanding, further, that the Qing Empire recognizes Dutch claims in the East Indies, and looks forward to cooperation and mutual gain in the South China Sea, an area of mutual concern for the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the Qing Empire.


Empress Dowager Cixi, on behalf of the Tiongzhi Emperor

  • Kingdom of the Netherlands
"A neutral humanism is either a pedantic artifice or a prologue to the inhuman." - George Steiner


The Austrian Empire

The Austrian Empire similarly supports the punitive expedition that is being undertaken by the British Empire against the Qajars in Persia, whose depredations know no bounds.  That they violate the sovereignty of their neighbours and constantly seek war with neighbours has only brought war upon Persia. May the British and Russian armies prevail against this source of instability and chaos in the region.


April – June, 1861

North America

   The attack and capture of Ft. Sumter set of a chain of reactions across the United States. In Washington D.C., when word reached President Lincoln of the fall of the fort to Confederate soldiers it shored up what his mounting fears: only war would see the Union preserved. He immediately issued a call for 150,000 volunteers to fight for the Union and recruitment offices were established across the Northeast and Midwest; increased salaries were advertised for those would enlist before July 4. Whether it was a surge of patriotism following the attacks on Ft. Sumter, or the offer of steady salary, thousands flocked to wear the blue. [+100,000 Conscripts for the USA]

(Confederate Volunteers)

   In the South, the capture of Ft. Sumter was viewed much differently. A new sense of patriotism was found the newly born Confederacy, and following Lincoln's call for volunteers, the Confederate government reacted in kind and issued a call for all able bodied men of the southland to enlist to fight and protect their homes, their traditions, and their way of life. Similarly, the Confederate government pressed for the rest of the southern states to join their cause. Arkansas, North Carolina, Tennessee and Virginia quickly voted to leave the Union and fight alongside their Southern Sisters. The states, wary of central government, even their own, insisted on sending a portion of their volunteers into formal training as regulars. [+105,000 Conscripts for the CSA, +45,000 Regulars in 3 turns for CSA.]

   In the first week of May, however, scandal erupted when diplomatic envoys were leaked revealing ongoing discussions between Lincoln and foreign nations regarding Lincoln's "cause of the abolition of slavery." This news spread like wildfire through newspapers across the country. "Lincoln's Crusade" to end slavery lead to quick votes of secession in several states across the upper south; Missouri and Kentucky voted to join the new Confederacy, followed by Maryland and Delaware. However, the Federal Army of New England, already on its way toward the Virginian border, quickly secured the small amount of territory in Maryland and Delaware and, by order of the President for their acts of sedition and treason, their State Legislators and Governors were arrested and their Legislatures temporarily disbanded. The Army of New England, with 20,000 Regulars proceeded to quickly set up defensive positions around Washington D.C. and north of the Potomac River.

   In Kentucky, the legislature's vote of secession received mixed responses from the populace. The Mayor of Louisville declared Governor Beriah Magoffin a traitor to the United States and welcomed federal troops to his city. The Federals based their newest army, the Army of Louisville, out of his city. However, the western and southern portions of the state were eager to support the Confederate cause. Bowling Green and Paducah quickly issued a call for Confederate troops to protect their cities. In Missouri violence quickly erupted across the state as tensions had been high leading up to the vote of secession. Southern and western Missouri quickly raised the Stars and Bars while St. Louis and northern Missouri remained strongly pro-Union.

(The Army of Louisville arriving in Louisville)

   In the first weeks of June, the Army of Louisville marched on the city of Lexington and secured both Lexington and the capitol of Frankfort under Federal control. Major General Don Carlos Buell was instructed to march from there to secure Bowling Green, Kentucky and from there to progress cautiously into Tennessee. However, Buell, faced many skirmishes with Kentucky militia-men when trying to proceed south towards Bowling Green. Estimating local resistance as to high to proceed further, Buell established a defensive presence around Lexington with 10,000 Regulars and decided to wait on reinforcements.

   In the South, the Confederate government had taken aggressive steps to prepare their mostly agricultural nation for war. Railroad projects had begun to better connect the south as a whole; construction had begun on a weapons factory in Montgomery, Alabama and in Charleston, South Carolina a new shipyard was under construction. The Army of the Carolinas had been formed in Charleston with 15,000 Regulars under the command of General Pierre G. T. Beauregard. In Jackson, Mississippi the the Army of Trans-Mississippi had been formed with 5,000 regulars under the command of General James Longstreet. [+1 Industry for CSA in 2 turns, (2/5) For New Infrastructure for CSA in 4 turns]

   In the north, incentives were being given to bolster domestic arms production. Congruently, the Union was mobilizing its navy, however, and began to move slowly south along the Atlantic Seaboard to attempt to slowly engulf the Confederacy in a naval blockade and a Shipyard had begun construction in San Diego. However, upon secession several U.S. navy ships in-port in Virginia were seized for the Confederacy. [+1 Industry to the USA in 2 turns, (1/5) For New Infrastructure for USA in 4 turns, +2 Large Ships and +3 Small Ships for the CSA, -2 Large Ships and -3 Small Ships for the USA, +2 Large Ships under construction for USA ready in 4 turns]

   In Mexico, the conflict of the Reform War was truly coming to an end as the Liberal government came to peace to talks with what remaining Conservative guerilla groups remained. Compromise was found, albeit leaning heavenly in the Liberal direction. Following the peace negotiations the Mexican government called for the training of more regulars to bolster the Republic's defense. Also, the government ordered the expansion of infrastructure in the way of railways and telegraphs as well as encouraging industrial development by way of offering government subsidies. [+20,000 Regulars available in 3 turns for Mexico, (2/5) For New Infrastructure for Mexico in 4 turns, +1 Industry in 2 turns for Mexico]

South America

(Brazilian Steamship)

     The Brazilian Empire continued to flourish with their abundant access to natural resources and began to desire a dominance of the seas; they continued to fund their ironclad development and began construction on new ironclad ships. The Brazilian government continued their focus on developing the South American nation by funding railroad construction in the nation and encouraging increased industrial development. [+2 Large Ships under construction for Brazil ready in 4 turns, +1 Industry in 3 turns, (1/5) For New Infrastructure in 4 turns]

     In May the Argentine government finally came to terms with outstanding rebels in Buenos Aires. In return for returning the capital to Buenos Aires and new federal elections, the Constitution of 1860 was affirmed and President Santiago Derqui released the following statement: "Argentina has for too long been plagued by internecine conflicts. A united Argentina will be a more prosperous one allowing the bounty of the inland provinces to be combined with the city of Buenos Aires for mutual benefit. In contrast, a divided Argentina is open to being surpassed by our neighbors. We are extending a hand of friendship to mend our differences for the sake of Argentina."

     The newly affirmed Argentine government quickly began a program for a new western line of railroad, which will start in Rosario, Santa Fe and extend to the west to connect to Córdoba, Córdoba Province, allowing the transport of agricultural, and other goods, to the port in Rosario. Also, a new program was begun to begin a new education program and another to for the expansion of the weapons industry. [+1 Industry in 2 turns, (1/5) For New Infrastructure in 4 turns]


     The Ottoman Empire was scrambling for ways to revive their influence and power on the global stage. New markets of capital exchange were opened in Constantinople, Baghdad and Cairo; and scientists and artists from all over Europe and Asia were invited to Constantinople to display their findings ands talents in a Global Fair. Finally, a military college was established in Ankara to help modernize the Ottoman military and even new industrialization was encouraged within Constantinople. [+1 Stability in Anatolia, +1 Army Tech in 4 turns, +2 Industry in 2 turns]

     In China sweeping land reform efforts were being implemented as the government engaged in efforts to purchase land from political elites and the nobility in an effort to resell at next to nothing prices to landless peasants and farmers. The government directed these efforts towards already loyal stable regions of the Empire to lesson the cultural shock of land redistribution. Building upon this new policy, the government announced tax reductions on farmland. While this policy of land purchasing was completely voluntary, the efficiency of the Chinese bureaucracy in targeting willing sellers, as well as public assurances to the aristocracy that the new programs were not a scheme at class reformations, lead to large success for the program and a significant growth of small farmers across many regions of the Empire. [-50 Base Income, +1 Stability in North/Manchuria, +2 Stability in Western China, and +1 Stability in Southern China, -100 Gold]

(Maritime Trade Officials in Shanghai)

    Additionally, radical shifts in Chinese trade policy were taking place with the government opening their ports and all countries were to be permitted to trade freely in China. Opium was officially declared legal and all restrictions on its consumption or production were removed; however, a small tax was to be levied at point-of-sale. Large sums of money were spent to retrain and hire new tax officials to apply the new opium VAT and oversee trade reforms, and to staff new port authorities around China. [-30 Gold for China, +15 Trade Income]

     Shanghai was, despite the siege by Taiping forces, opened specifically for the Kingdom of the Netherlands and money invested in new tax and police officials to oversee the city and its trade. Both the arrival of western troops from the Netherlands to aid in the fight against the Taiping and a new campaign agains corruption in the city increased local confidence in Qing rule. [+.5 Stability in Southern China, -35 Gold]

     Finally, a renewed assault to combat the Taiping Rebellion was launched, with the Ever Victorious Army, a group of 5,000 better-armed Westerners, under Frederick Townsend Gordon sent to rally in Shanghai. While 500,000 soldiers from the Green Banner Army were to be deployed to Shanghai to further secure the city and ensure the besieged felt safe and assured of the city's resistance. Meanwhile, the Green Banner Army was also deploying another 500,000 troops to assault the city of Nanjing and distract the Heavenly Kingdom from its siege of Shanghai. Catching Nanjing slightly off balance, several victories were won around the city itself and a number of Taiping forces were called off from the siege of Shanghai to return to Nanjing's defense. All the while 10 Small ships of the Chinese Navy was deployed to aid the Japanese Navy in anti-piracy efforts in the Yellow Sea and to increase cooperation and coordination with the Japanese fleet.[-10,000 Regulars in skirmishes around Nanjing]

(Emperor Komei of Japan)

    The Japanese themselves, however, were quite busy. A retinue of top military officers along with Emperor Komei, had been plotting for months to remove the Tokugawa Shogun from power. On the night of April 18, 1861 Japanese army forces were informed of the Shogun's agreement to cede Japanese sovereignty to western powers and that the Shogun and his family was to be arrested immediately. Japanese army forces quickly marched upon Shogun's palace and took his property and family members into custody. After approaching the Shogun to request he peacefully cede all of his power to the Emperor, the Shogun refused and in the confusion resulting from loyal guards of the Shogun attempting to free him, the Shogun was cut down in his palace. The next morning, it was announced that the Shogun had been assassinated by plotting Daimyo and that Emperor Komei would assume full power to ensure there was no break down of order. Though protests were initially heard from many around Japan, the loyalty of the army to the Emperor, and the fear of being labeled the Shogun killers, ensured no major rebellions took place. After one month of power, Emperor Komei released the following statement: "People of Japan, for too long has the nation of Japan been looked down upon by the powers of the world. For too long, have we been forced to kneel beneath the strength of the world's powers. Our previous Shogun allowed Japan to be placed in a position of servitude. However, I hereby announce the end of the Tokugawa Shogunate as a political entity. Henceforth, I am now the sole power in the government of the new Empire of Japan. As the Tokugawa Shogunate no longer exists, any unequal treaties signed between that entity and other nations are void. Japan will seek to build new friendships with those nations which will consider us equals on the world stage and treat us with respect. I will restore Japan to its proud strength of old, and have us reach new heights never seen before in the world. Work with me my people, and I will see that Japan never bends the knee to a foreign power again." [Japanese government reforms into the Empire of Japan, -1 Stability]

     Almost immediately, as a show of force and confidence in the new government, the Japanese Emperor signed the Pacific Entente with the United States and Russia as well as a free trade agreement with China. One week later, the Russian Pacific Fleet was transporting 200,000 Japanese troops to the Korean peninsula to conquer the Korean nation under Japanese rule. A significant beachhead was established in southern Korea, however supply and organization problems prevented further advancement until at least July. Furthermore, 200,000 Regulars were being prepared for transport to the United States to aid the American government in their civil war. [+10 Trade Income]

    The Japanese Navy sent 5 Small ships to aid in anti-piracy maneuvers with the Chinese navy in the Yellow Sea. While, more Japanese ships were sent to the Spanish Philippines to begin trade and resources sales with the Philippines. Finally, a program of public works and infrastructure was begun in Japan to increase stability and confidence in the new government. [(1/5) For New Infrastructure in 4 turns]

"A tale is but half told when only one person tells it." - The Saga of Grettir the Strong
- Current: Kemen (D'hara) - Past: Kerwin (Eston), Kale (Phantaria, Terran, Melodia)


April - June, 1861 (Cont.)


(Laying Rail in India)

        The United Kingdom has begun widespread educational and cultural reforms in the Indian subcontinent with the goal of better integrating the Indian people into the British Empire. A large investment by the British government has seen new British Standard Schools opened across all of British India enrolling children as young as 8 years old to learn English, British History, British cultural customs and traditions and the significance of the British contributions of culture, technology and political/financial aid to the suffering Indian people. Furthermore, the British government has substantially increased its administrative presence via new government offices in each province to assist in assimilation and tracking of people, and new rail construction to better connect the subcontinent. While much of India sees the new projects as a blessing in so far as it appears the British government is taking a newfound interest in the welfare of the Indian people, many Indian conservatives see it as an attempt to erode their cultural heritage. [+2 Stability in India, (2/5) For New Infrastructure in 4 turns]

        The mighty British Royal Navy has received significant funds to begin new research and development into better ship design and naval technology. The British Prime Minister, after the passing of the substantial naval funding bill, was quote as saing, "The navy is the United Kingdom's strength, and the government recognizes the importance of a strong fleet. Let us therefore build a bridge of metal and wood that connects the world!" [+1 Large Ships and +1 Small Ship under construction for Britain ready in 4 turns, +1 Naval Tech in 4 turns]

        In May the United Kingdom showed its political duality by simultaneously signing a Pact of Non-Aggression with the Austrian Empire and Declaring War upon the Qajar dynasty of Persia delivering an ultimatum to the Qajar Shah, "1) All coastal cities and townships will surrender and fall under administration by the United Kingdom, 2) The military of Persia shall come under direct control of British military forces, 3) Naser al-Din Shah Qajar must surrender all notable family members to British forces."

   At the same time, the British Indian Ocean Fleet was bolstered by reinforcements from South Africa and the British Isles; a total of 11 Large Steamships and 30 Smaller vessels positioned themselves in the Persian Gulf to facilitate a blockade and invasion of southern Persia. 10,000 British and Indian Regulars landed near the Persian port city of Bandar Bushehr by June to press the city into surrender. All cities who would surrender peacefully and unconditionally to British forces would receive food and supplies from British ships in the Gulf. After holding out for one week, and after a warning bombardment landing outside the city from the British Navy, Bandar Bushehr surrendered to British forces and the British were able to establish a base of operations in Bandar Bushehr to continue their operations. [New Theatre for the British, 10,000 Regulars, 11 L Ships and 30 S Ships stationed]

   The British were not the only ones looking to expand their colonial possessions, however. Napoleon III of the French Empire issued a rousing call in late April to expand French possessions overseas, especially in West Africa, Madagascar, and French Indochina, and offered titles and land grants to those willing. In support of this encouragement for growing colonialism, large amounts of French troops and French Ships were moved to Senegal, the Ivory Coast, and Indochina to better secure the area for the French. Expeditions were begun in southern Algeria to map further lands and claim them for the French Empire. [Territorial Growth for France]

   French Ambassadors met with representatives of both the Spanish and Belgium governments to work out treaties of cooperation and trade with the French Empire. In the span of one week French Ambassadors signed the Treaty of Arras with the Belgians and the Treaty of Andorra la Vella with the Spanish. The Treaty of Arras ensured free trade and investment between the two nations, as well as multiple exchanges of French military advisors and aid to the Belgian military. Similarly, the Treaty of Andorra la Vella, opened free trade between the Spanish and French Empires, permitted certain basing rights for the Spanish in French territory, and provided for French investment in industrial and infrastructure development in and around Madrid. Finally, more French military advisors would be sent to aid the Spanish military. On the home front, the French government was investing in new industrial sectors in Bordeaux and Lyon as well as a new Military Research Center in Orleans to develop better rifle and artillery techniques and designs.[+10 Trade Balance for France, +2 Industry for France in 2 turns, +1 Army Tech in 4 turns]

   The Spanish were largely following the lead of their new French friends by matching the French industrial and infrastructure investments in Madrid as well as opening a new Military Academy for their army. The new French advisors were stationed there and invitations were extended to both Prussian and Austrian militaries to send representatives and advisors to this new academy. [+2 Industry in 2 turns, +1 Infrastructure in 4 turns, +5 Trade Balance for Spain, +1 Army Tech in 4 turns]

(Spanish Troops Reinforcing Cuba)

   Queen Isabella II made a rare public appearance at an important dinner in Mid-May. During a speech there she issued a call for "call and unity" stating that, "It is time for Spain to focus on what brings power and wealth in this new era and to advance the prosperity of all citizens under the Queen and the constitution." To further this push for unity, Spanish troops and naval forces were deployed around the globe to Spanish possessions to better achieve "calm" and "unity" among the populaces. [+1 Stability in Iberia, Cuba and the Philippines]

   In Belgium, modernization was the word on everyone's lips. Bolstered by the new free trade agreement with the French, as well as the influx of French military aid and advisors, the Belgians ordered the raising of 25,000 new Regulars. The Belgian coal and steel industries were be subsidized and bolstered while new railways were to be constructed between Belgium and France to facilitate the exchange of goods and weapons. Finally, 25,000 Regulars and half of the Belgian Fleet were sent to the Congo Basin of Africa to establish a new colony under the Belgian banner. [+2 Industry for Belgium in 2 turns, (1/5) For New Infrastructure in 4 turns, +1 Army Tech in 4 turns]

   The Kingdom of the Netherlands was busily in negotiation with the Chinese. Finally, an agreement was made to facilitate trade between the Chinese and the Netherlands. In exchange the Netherlands delivered 5,000 Regulars, 10 Small Ships and 1 Large Steamship to aid the Chinese in fighting their rebellion. In Europe, the Netherlands were investing in new railways and telegraph lines to better connect their Kingdom. [+5 Trade Balance for the Netherlands, (2/5) For New Infrastructure in 4 turns]

   The newly formed Kingdom of Italy was eager to consolidate its new unity and produce the appearance of power and legitimacy abroad. An effort was made to hire French military advisors and bring them to Italy to train the new Italian army, however with the mass exodus of most French advisors to both Spain and Belgium, they became hard to find. Ultimately, Italian officers were forced to advise their leadership to seek out Prussian or Austrian military advisors instead.

   However, things within the Peninsula were looking up for the new Italian state. Investments in the industrialization of Tuscany coincided with lowered tariff and tax rates. Confidence among several Italian nationalistic capitalists lead to private investments in a new railway connecting Turin and Firenze. Furthermore, the King had proposed a compromise to the Pope in Rome to assimilate Rome into the Kingdom of Italy while providing for a new Papal State, called the Vatican, to remain a sovereign entity within the city of Rome itself. Furthermore, it promised that Catholicism would be declared the one and only official state religion of the Kingdom of Italy and it promised Papal sovereignty and independence in all things as well as Italian protection of the Vatican. After two months consideration, and seeing the opportunity to swell the Papal Treasury with Italian compensation gold, Pope Pius IX signed the Lateran Treaty, officially ceding the City of Rome and is surrounding territory to the King of Italy. [+2 Industry in 2 turns, (3/5)-Free For New Infrastructure in 4 turns, Gain the City of Rome/Territory around Rome]

   The Swiss Confederation, tucked away in their Alpine fortress, was conducting a complete overhaul of its military system. The traditionally mercenary system was being thrown out in favor of a system wholly focused on the defense of the Confederation. 20% of the Swiss military was deemed unnecessary for home defense and was to be disbanded, with the disbanded men to be offered government subsidized jobs in the private sector. Also, these men are to take their weapons home with them to assist in a new law requiring all adult male Swiss citizens to possess a firearm within their home. As a show of good faith, neutrality and peacefulness to its neighbors the Swiss government pledges that the reduction is to be conducted fully in public view. [-5,000 Regulars for the Swiss]

   Furthermore, in an effort to reduce to waste, bureaucracy and corruption the Swiss government is establishing single, Swiss-wide tax and government system with the goal of simplicity and the reduction of government expenditures. Tarriffs and tolls are to be abolished within the Swiss Confederation. Savings and revenue spending are given priority to be used upon the encouragement of industrialization and improved infrastructure. While certain minorities protest the apparent expansion of central power over the Cantons, most of the changes are implemented with minimal resistance in the name of pragmatism and progress. Finally, the Swiss government engages in pro-banking and pro-trading policies within the nation to encourage the creation of a central banking and trading haven within the neutral Alpine nation. [+25 Base Income for the Swiss, +1 Industry in 2 turns for the Swiss, (1/5) For New Infrastructure in 4 turns]

   Meanwhile, the Kingdom of Bavaria was calling for a grand conference of southern German States to be held in Munich at the beginning of July to discuss closer integration of their states as well greater economic and trade cooperation. Rumors quickly begin circulating in German language newspapers that the true goal of the conference was the creation a unified, Southern German State. As of Mid June, all states that had been invited had confirmed that their representatives would be in attendance come July. Further stoking these unification rumor fires was the recent beginning of construction of forts in Munich, Nuremburg and across the Bavarian border with Prussia. A new program was begun to subsidize industry in Bavaria as well. [+1 Industry in 2 turns for Bavaria]

   The Prussian Empire, on the other hand, was simultaneously calling for a special meeting of the German Confederation—which included Bavaria, the Austrian Empire, and all of the various German states—to bring attention to the recent signing of the Treaty of St. Petersburg between the Austrian and Russian Empires that, claims the Prussians, facilitates closer trade relations and preferences between Austria and Russia than Austria and any of the members of the German Confederation. [No orders received from Prussia] [+2 Industry in 2 turns, (2/5) For New Infrastructure in 4 turns]

   The Austrian Empire was not standing idle. The Austrians, reacting to the statements made by the Prussian government, have called for a new convention to form an alternative to the German Zollverein that would facilitate trade specifically with Austria. Member states of this new Austrian Union would receive the benefits of reduced tariffs rates and taxes as well as assurance of military protection from Austrian Empire. The Austrian government also was not shy about its attempts to promote the idea of Pan-Germanism and increase awareness across the German states of the benefits and destiny of closer integration and cooperation of all German peoples. [+5 Trade Balance for Austria]

(Austrian Cavalry Officers)

        By mid-April, 1861 a new Military Modernization Program was under way to increase the effectiveness of the Austrian Army. A new military officer's academy was established in Vienna to train to Austrian Officers in the most advanced of military theories and doctrines; and a new standard was instituted that all Austrian officers must be able to speak the language of the troops under their command. Austrian Military advisors and observers were sent to aid both the Russians and the British in their wars on the Qajars.[+1 Army Tech for Austria in 4 turns]

        Finally, in 1861 the Austrian government issued the Land Reform Act of 1861 with the far-reaching goal of increasing industrialization within Austria and encouraging the creation of an Austrian middle class. The government offered to purchase the agricultural land of large landowners at 90% of its estimated market value. In return, those who agree to the deal will receive a reduced tax rate upon all their future industrial and infrastructure investments. This land would then be sold at low costs to small farmers and those formerly not land holders. This program was both controversial and radical. Many members of the nobility and aristocracy saw it as an attempt to remove their influence and power, while socialist groups hailed it as a progressive movement toward the equality of the lower classes. Despite the potential for success, radical politics on both sides of the issue muddied the facts of the Act. In some areas violence would break out, usually involving mobs of peasants storming the estates of large landowners or working class unions rioting in the cities urged on by socialist radicals trying to trigger revolution. Nevertheless, the offer was enticing to many lesser nobles and those who held increasingly fallow land. While not reaching much success initially, the program slowly began to gain steam. [-350 Gold for Austria, +2 Industry for Austria in 2 turns, -1 Stability]

        The giant Russian Empire was making all efforts to move forward despite the great weight it shouldered. Turning their attention outwards the Russian government made several distinct moves in May and June of 1861. First, they signed two important treaties: a defensive and trade alliance with the Austrian Empire and the Pacific Entente with the United States and Japan. Ensuring military alliances with three nations the worlds largest country secured its borders from east to west. Furthermore, the Kingdom of Romania became a military protectorate of the Russian Empire, further shoring up Russian military security in Europe.

        Military modernization efforts were implemented via the establishment of military districts across Russia to serve as bases of operations and training for Russian troops. Investment in arms manufactories and the 100 Spencer's and 10 Gatling guns bought from the United States were sent to be reverse engineered so Russia can construct their equivalents. [+1 Industry for Russia in 2 turns, +1 Army Tech for Russia in 4 turns]

(Russian Troops Invading Persia)

        Despite the peaceful diplomatic initiatives the Russian military was on the move. First, the Russian Pacific Fleet was deployed to aid the Japanese in their amphibious invasion of the Korean peninsula. Helping to transport nearly 200,000 Japanese troops from the Japanese home islands to Korea. Second, a swift and overwhelming invasion of Persia had begun. Nearly 300,000 Russian troops streamed through the Russo-Persian border between the Black and Caspian Seas lead by the Generals Yakov Baklanov and, the famous, Ivane Andronikashvili. The first wing, under Lt. General Baklanov, was instructed to march towards the Persian Gulf with their first initiative to be the city of Kermanshah. The second wing, under General Andronikashvili, was to capture the city of Tabriz and then head towards Tehran by way of Qazvin. Furthermore, 40,000 troops were to land on Persia's shore with the Caspian Sea to meet General Andronikashvili in their assault on Tehran.

        By early June both Tabriz and Qazvin had been secured for the Russian Empire with almost no resistance whatsoever. However, resistance had increased as the Russian army drove deeper into Persia. By mid-June Lt. Gen. Baklanov had found himself several days ahead of his supply line and was forced to slow down his advance several miles outside of Kermanshah. The mountainous terrain in the area had lead to heavy guerilla attacks from both Persian army forces and Kurdistani militias. Nevertheless, Russian artillery was able to begin shelling the city of Kermanshah in regular 4-6 hour intervals. By the last week of June, city officials evacuated any remaining troops southwards and surrendered the city to the Russians the following day. Meanwhile, General Andronikashvili had won an overwhelming victory outside of Tehran, where most of the regular Persian Army had gathered. His force had all but obliterated the Persian resistance and the Qajar Shah was forced to evacuate the city only hours before Russian troops stormed the streets and raised the Russian flag over the city. It was clear that resistance would remain, especially in the western mountains of the nation, however the Persian army and government had been essentially defeated. However, the Russians would now prepare to drive toward Abadan to secure themselves a port on the Persian Gulf. [-10,000 Regulars casualties, Territory gained]

        The Romanian government had agreed to become a military protectorate of the Russian Empire and therefore agreed to also follow a Russian lead in foreign affairs. However, they would retain control over their armed forces and opened a new military academy to allow for Russian training of their officer corps. Furthermore, the tax system was streamlined and a policy of government subsidization was also begun for any new industrialization within Romania. [+1 Industry in 2 turns, +1 Army Tech in 4 turns, +10 Base Income, +5 Trade Income]

"A tale is but half told when only one person tells it." - The Saga of Grettir the Strong
- Current: Kemen (D'hara) - Past: Kerwin (Eston), Kale (Phantaria, Terran, Melodia)


The Empress Dowager wishes to further re-iterate the Qing Empire's policy regarding its borders. It is fully open to all nations, allowing travel by any person to any place (except those areas under ongoing revolt) for any reason. Foreigners are entirely welcome to remain in China at their liesure, and shall find fewer barriers to travel than ever before. However, we are ending extraterritoriality rights as part of a larger, ongoing modernization of our legal code, in keeping with basic Confucian principles applied to the questions of modern nations. Our intention is to safeguard the persons and property of all foreign nationals, and are committed to this goal, and believe that extraterritoriality poses a threat to propertied interests as it arouses rebellions against them.

The Empress Dowager appreciates the concerns of nations affected by this policy, and is eager to work with them in the transition to a new, more open, modern, and cooperative China.
"A neutral humanism is either a pedantic artifice or a prologue to the inhuman." - George Steiner


The Russian Empire

The Empire of Russia is pleased to announce the successful assault of General Andronikashvili upon the Qajar capital of Tehran, and the defeat of the corrupt government of the Qajar Shah. The Qajar's have capitulated to the Russian Army of Liberation, and the first reforms to transform Persia have already begun.

Tsar Aleksandr II Nikolaevich of Russia hereby announces the annexation of the Persian Empire by the Russian Empire. Any violation of Russian sovereignty shall be dealt with firmly and swiftly.
What is Freedom? - ye can tell; That which slavery is, too well; For its very name has grown; To an echo of your own

T'is to work and have such pay; As just keeps life from day to day; In your limbs, as in a cell; For the tyrants' use to dwell


Speech by Domnitor Alexander Ioan I I hereby announce that the United Principalities of Romania are now fully united as the Kingdom of Romania. We also wish to congratulate the Russian Empire on it's successful liberation of the Persia and the defeat of the forces of the despotic Shah.


Treaty of Bucharest

The Kingdom of Romania and the Swiss Confederation are declaring their mutual support and friendship as follows:
a) The Swiss Confederation will provide the Kingdom of Romania with investment and economic expertise
b) The Kingdom of Romania supports the neutrality of the Swiss Confederation and pledges its military support should the Swiss Confederation come under attack

[ X ] Swiss Confederation
[    ] Kingdom of Romania