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[Forum Game] World in Revolution 1861, Official Game

Started by Perth, April 13, 2012, 08:37:59 AM

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United Kingdom

Her Majesty's Government will speak out against the events happening in Persia due to the acts of Russian expansionism. It was the original goals of the Russian Empire to liberate the Persians people from the unjust rulers of the Qajars. The annexation is an uncalled for territorial expansion of the Russian empire into the region of the Middle East. Although the Russians may be better administrators than the Qajars, the original goals of the war were to relieve the Persian people from the Qajars.

To quote the Russians' own declaration, "Russia shall put an end to the mismanagement of the Qajars, and rebuild Persia to its former glory, developing its infrastructure and industries, and putting an end to the corrupt practices of the Shah. Russia shall liberate the people of Persia from the disease of the Qajar dynasty. " In no way does the goal of the war state the incorporation of Persia into the entity of Russia. It was the intention of the United Kingdom to help the Russians into liberating the Persians from the Qajars; not to replace them.

The rebuilding of Persia can be accomplished without the need to usurp the native population from ruling themselves. Russia can contribute resources, advisers and money to invest into the rebuilding of Persia so that the people of Persia will benefit. There is no need to infringe of the sovereignty of Persia. The Persians can lead themselves.

With this in mind, the United Kingdom will be seeking to install an improved government in Persia to replace the despotic Qajar rulers, as well as the helping the new government to rebuild the shattered land.



People of Mexico! Our nation stands united! The Conservative elements have agreed to a peace, and finally the war within our nation has come to an end. Now we can begin a new era of development and progress, bringing Mexico and Central America newfound prosperity.

I would also like to take this opportunity to congratulate the Kingdom of Italy in their successful and peaceful acquisition of their natural capital.


The Russian Empire

The Tsar is amused that the Empire which has a colonial presence on all of the world's continents is choosing to lecture Russia about her so called expansionism.

Since her Majesty Queen Victoria of United Kingdom would have us believe that the British have no designs on Persia, how does she explain the ultimatum she offered the deposed tyrant Qajar only a few weeks ago?

1) All coastal cities and townships will surrender and fall under administration by the United Kingdom, 2) The military of Persia shall come under direct control of British military forces, 3) Naser al-Din Shah Qajar must surrender all notable family members to British forces."

This ultimatum reveals the petty nature of the British, their only goal in this war to deny Russia warm water ports, and expand their own colonial empire, quite in contrast to their claim of seeing an independent Persia.

Her Majesty also noted that the Persians can rule themselves. Surely they could, yet could the same not be said of Canada, India, South Africa, and Australia? Shall Queen Victoria be granting these regions sovereignty? Did not the Queens forces just put down a rebellion in India, and still faces mutinies in the region? Did not the death toll rise to millions? Since the Queen is an enemy of expansionism and a proponent of self rule, I invite her to grant sovereignty to her colonies.

The Tsar also wishes to remind her Majesty of the letter he sent her before the commencement of the Russian offensive into Persia, inquiring about the scope of the British campaign in Persia. Her Majesty knew full well that Russia would be annexing Persia and liberating Persia from the clutches of the tyrant Shah. The Tsar never recieved a response to the friendly missive he sent to Queen Victoria.

The Tsar reiterates his commitement to Persia, which now constitutes a part of the sovereign Empire of Russia. Russian citizenship is granted to all the Persians, and they shall enjoy the full benefit of the military and civil support of the Russian Empire, and the industrial and infrastructural facilities enjoyed by all Russians. 
What is Freedom? - ye can tell; That which slavery is, too well; For its very name has grown; To an echo of your own

T'is to work and have such pay; As just keeps life from day to day; In your limbs, as in a cell; For the tyrants' use to dwell


The Empress Dowager wishes to announce that any European nation wishing to establish relations with the Great Qing Empire may do so more conveniently now than previously. The Great Qing Empire has established an artisans' colony and a publicly accessible embassy in the Swiss Confederation, and would be pleased to offer aid in trade and travel to any Europeans or European powers, as well as negotiate treaties more easily. Furthermore, the Empress Dowager wishes to publicly thank the Swiss Confederation for their generosity and good faith, and formally recognize their sovereignty and independence.
"A neutral humanism is either a pedantic artifice or a prologue to the inhuman." - George Steiner

Dante Silverfire

[Empire of Japan]

The Emperor of Japan applauds the Russian efforts in overwhelming the Qajars of Persia who stole from the Persian people and led to a weakened Persia as a whole. Japan supports the Russian takeover of the lands of Persia and expects that the Persians will see great benefits as new citizens of Russia.

Japan also concurs with the Tsar of Russia concerning the duality of the Queen of the United Kingdom. Should the Queen disagree with the practice of colonialism, then she should demonstrate such with a show of good faith by granting independence to all overseas colonies under her control. Should the Queen decline such a show of good faith, the Empire of Japan, and the rest of the world may only assume that the United Kingdom would seek to gather expansionist power itself, while denying it to all others as a purely selfish mechanism.

"This is the face of the man who has worked long and hard for the good of the people without caring much for any of them."


Treaty of Bucharest:
Signed King Alexander Ioan I


The Kingdom of the Netherlands is concerned by Russian actions against the Persian people; the Dutch wish for no people to be enslaved. If the Tsar of All Russias wished to depose a vile and hated dynasty, it could be accomplished without the annexation of Persia.

Whilst still on the topic of the freeing of people, the Kingdom of the Netherlands is pleased to announce that the colony of Dutch Guiana shall be henceforth known as the Duchy of Guiana. It is to be considered an intrinsic and valuable part of the Kingdom of the Netherlands. William III, King of the Netherlands, Grand Duke of Luxembourg, Duke of Limburg shall be the first Duke of Guiana.

The King of the Netherlands extends his congratulations to Mexico and bids them peace and prosperity.


[United Kingdom]

Her Majesty is aghast that the Tsar would compare the annexation and exploitation of Persia to the peaceful colonization of British citizens in otherwise barren lands. The "princely states", a term for our allies and friends in India, are in fact, their own sovereign nations, guaranteed by the British government to be able to maintain their internal affairs. The so-called Indian rebellion was in fact instigated by the misguided rulers of these princely states in order to acquire possessions from Her Majesty's land. This territorial expansionism was put down after some time. The death toll, although large, did not number into the millions, and were mainly composed of British citizens who were targeted by the barbarism of the Indian radicals. The numbers you have heard were fabricated claims made by those who wish to exaggerate the numbers for a more dramatic story.

It is interesting, however, to note that this event is similar to the Persia situation. The Indian states attacked our holdings, and we have retaliated, similar to how the Russians have chosen to invade Persia and remove the Qajars. What is different however, is that we have chosen to allow the states to retain their national sovereignty. That is not to say that we have not punished them for their aggression, as we have placed severe penalties to restrict their raising of a force to threaten nearby states, but we have allowed them to continue governing their own affairs. The Indian people still rule Indian people. Proponents who harbor unreasonable ill-will toward the United Kingdom have been removed to allow the growth of the Indian region.

With our experience at hand, the United Kingdom had hoped to implement a similar scheme in Persia, so that all parties involved will benefit greatly.

The Ultimatum was given to the Qajars in order to restrict them from continuing hostility against both our powers and stop the cause of further death. The relinquishing of their port cities will allow for the easier administration of shipping food in to give to the people of Persia. With it, the reformation of the Persian government and the ushering in of a new era of enlightenment and prosperity of the Persian people under a Just and honorable government.


Swiss Confederation

The swiss people thank the Empress Dowager for her kind words, and would like to remind all nations that Bern offers embassies and an exchange of diplomats to all nations, as we believe in the necessity of good communications and close interactions between diplomats of all nations, especially with these recent outbreaks of hostilities in both the americas and persian lands.

We understand from our own history that peaceful solutions are often complicated works of art that require many hours of many skilled negotiators, diplomats and experts. Having the ability to have those meet with each other on short notice should not be disregarded lightly, and will surely benefit all nations involved. We have already established no less than seven foreign embassies in the past few months, and have several more that we are certain to welcome to Bern shortly.

In these troubled times, the Swiss Confederation will maintain strict neutrality between all parties. If our neutrality can help any nations to resolve their differences peacefully, we are happy to support any talks aiming at such a solution.


The Kingdom of Bavaria

We are pleased to see the South German Conference advancing so well.  By working together, our states can prosper and thrive, while also benefiting the German people.

The Construction of forts in our major cities and borders are designed to deter all potential threats and defend our land.  We restate are commitment to peace and hope that our nation will never have to endure the horrors of war again.

Lastly, we are pleased to see the constuction of Industry as well as closer relations with our Swiss friends.

Duke of Britain


Kingdom of Italy

Italians, rejoice! For the first time in centuries the Italian peninsula is once again unified!
Our negotiations with the Pope proved to be a great success, and while not all Italians live under our flag, we have accomplished the unification of the Peninsula. On the next months preparations will be made for the declaration of Rome as the capital of the Kingdom of Italy, as it is only fair that the government of the great italians be located at the Eternal city, i hope that this is just the start of a new era of prosperity and happiness for the italians, great times come, it is time for Italy to take its place under the sun.

I thank the words of the Mexican president, i hope both our nations will find prosperous cooperation on the next few years.


[United Kingdom]

Her Majesty Queen of Britain and Ireland, Empress of India is announcing a new Governor-General over India. The management of the Indian continent is a most dutiful responsibility. Lord John Lissel is named to be the replacement of the late Charles Canning. Her majesty's subject John Kessel is a most devout member of the British citizenry, and a most effective administrator. With a great applause, we usher in the Governor-General to rule and administrate the British territory of India on behalf of Her Majesty Queen Victoria. The people of India shall prosper under his diligent hand!


[Governor-General of India]

My unconditional thanks to the Prime Minister for this most noble and serious position.  My goal as Governor General of India will be to deliver the best of my ability freedom.This is our chance to answer that call. This is our moment. This is our time – to put our people back to work and open doors of opportunity for our kids; to restore prosperity and promote the cause of peace; to reclaim the glory of Britain and reaffirm that fundamental truth – that out of many, we are one; that while we breathe, we hope, and where we are met with cynicism, and doubt, and those who tell us that we can't, we will respond with that timeless creed that sums up the spirit of a people:

Yes We Can. Thank you

Long live the Queen


Russian Empire

The Tsar is curious, as to how the British "peacefully" colonise a country, by crushing a rebellion against their rule. Nor do I feel her Majesty needs to be reminded of the various battles British armies have fought to ensure and maintain British rule in India. It is also difficult for the Tsar to see how the Indian colonies can be termed barren, for every Russian schoolchild has heard tales of the riches of the region.

This concept of sovereignty that Britain follows in India, is unfortunately alien to us Russians. We have understood sovereignty to be to be the independent right of a nation to act as it see fit. We believed the Princely states were under the the suzerainty of the British Empire, however, we might be mistaken and request clarification on this issue.

The Tsar is happy to see that Indians shall be henceforth ruling their own country, and on that note, would like to congratulate Jo... Err... John Lissel, the new Governor General of India.

The Tsar is also pleased to announce the acceptance of a compromise for the region of Persia, where Russia establishes control over Abadan, and the British Empire extends control over Bandar Bushere and Shiraz.
What is Freedom? - ye can tell; That which slavery is, too well; For its very name has grown; To an echo of your own

T'is to work and have such pay; As just keeps life from day to day; In your limbs, as in a cell; For the tyrants' use to dwell


[Swiss Confederation]

(OOC: This is a diplomatic message sent to all the european NPC nations)

The Swiss Confederation wishes to extend a hand of friendship to the european nations and remind them that a diplomatic quarter has been assigned in Bern, where diplomats of all nations are welcome. We already have nine powers from europe, asia and the americas present with permanent embassies. Your presence in Bern would greatly improve your lines of communications and allow for easier negotiations and peaceful resolutions.
All that we ask in return for providing these opportunities is your respect and acknowledgement of the neutrality and souvereignity of the Swiss Confederation. For it is this very neutrality that makes Bern the premier location of diplomacy.