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Diablo III

Started by Revan, April 20, 2012, 03:29:14 AM

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Quote from: Gustav Kuriga on May 16, 2012, 08:27:57 PM
I've seen the gameplay... not really seeing it for much other than a top down wow clone.

Ok, I'm glad somebody said it.


The movies in-between acts are great. I'm into nightmare now and it's interesting to see how classes are diverging. Haven't really seen anyone doing the same things as me with the Demon Hunter. Also, I really enjoy the fact that the Male Wizard appears to have been voiced by the fellow who does Alucard in Hellsing. For that alone, I reckon I'll be picking Wizard on my next playthrough!

It seems harsh to compare Diablo to conventional MMO's as it isn't really operating in the same space. It offers a single player component. It isn't a persistent open world. Most gameplay areas are randomised. The core of the Diablo experience is going through the higher difficulties, which requires more thoughtful, strategic game play and the never-ending quest to find the perfect items to supplement your character/build. I know combat wise it probably looks like any other point and click hack and slasher, but the classes are all evolutionary steps from Diablo II really.

Gustav Kuriga

*fanboy stamp approved for above comment*


Quote from: Gustav Kuriga on May 17, 2012, 05:16:04 PM
*fanboy stamp approved for above comment*

As a none fanboy, I have to agree with Revan. This is my first Diablo game, but I can already see it's turning out to be pretty nice.


Quote from: Gustav Kuriga on May 16, 2012, 08:27:57 PM
I've seen the gameplay... not really seeing it for much other than a top down wow clone.

I'm sorry, I hate D3, but this is just plain wrong. The diablo model of gameplay was around long before WoW.
"it was never wise for a ruler to eschew the trappings of power, for power itself flows in no small measure from such trappings."
- George R.R. Martin ; Melisandre

Gustav Kuriga

then it's come full circle.


Okay, so I've done my first sort of 're-spec' during Act 2 Nightmare. I'd started dying with my Demon Hunter a lot, then once I started experimenting I started dying a real lot before finally settling on something that worked a little better. I'd sort of overdone it with offensive skills which left me with nothing to fall back on when the hordes ended up surrounding me.

I think I'd have been okay if public games always filled up with four people of differing classes, but mostly it seems I'm pushed with one other person who turns out to be another Demon Hunter or maybe a Wizard. Life can be real hard without a tank! >.<

Quote from: Gustav Kuriga on May 17, 2012, 05:16:04 PM
*fanboy stamp approved for above comment*

Hehe :-P


Quote from: Revan on May 18, 2012, 01:04:50 PM
Life can be real hard without a tank! >.<

Try soloing as a Demon Hunter. I've made it to act 2 and only died twice, way too many close calls though. I think I may end up ruining my "Vault" hotkey before the end of the game xD

Started a Monk on hardcore, only played for an hour or so with it last night. I'm not expecting to get far, anything after Skeleton King will be a bonus tbh :P


I actually saw a video of a Demon Hunter soloing Belial on Inferno difficulty without taking any damage. It blew my mind. Thing is, I don't even feel I need epic items to emulate that. I just need to have the right build and to have a great reaction time. Sadly though, I'm not quite as good as that >.< Also was in hell with a monk t'other day and he was using a skill that basically made us all amazing. I foresee Blizzard inflicting some painful, painful class rebalancing at some point in the near future!

I feel I should say, as well, how right on the Diablo III community seems to be at this point. The last time I played any online game seriously was when I got a little too into Call of Duty for a while. Which isn't exactly a nice environment, having abuse hurled at you by kids! It is so refreshing to find friendly, nice people who are good for a laugh and capable of accepting the odd failure. Everyone is so friendly and constructive. It's a wonderful change of pace :-)

Quote from: Nathan on May 18, 2012, 02:42:54 PM
Try soloing as a Demon Hunter. I've made it to act 2 and only died twice, way too many close calls though. I think I may end up ruining my "Vault" hotkey before the end of the game xD

Started a Monk on hardcore, only played for an hour or so with it last night. I'm not expecting to get far, anything after Skeleton King will be a bonus tbh :P

I think I've died a thousand million times by now! I am getting better though, slowly but surely. It's gotten to the stage where if I'm in a good party, I'm usually the last to die when things start going wrong. A good party is definitely a precondition of doing well on hell difficulty though! Every time I solo or am in a bad party, I'm likely to succumb a few times to any group of boss monsters. I particularly despise teleporting illusionists and anything that sets arcane sentries *shakes fist*

Honestly, I cannot even begin to imagine how anyone could go through hardcore and complete Inferno difficulty. The first person to do it probably deserves a real life monetary prize just for being a boss at Diablo :-P


Quote from: Revan on May 22, 2012, 03:45:28 AM
A good party is definitely a precondition of doing well on hell difficulty though!

Agreed. Currently going through Normal with my house-mates and we can already see how much more difficult it is than on our own. On harder difficulties I can see us really having to work together.

Quote from: Revan on May 22, 2012, 03:45:28 AM
The first person to do it probably deserves a real life monetary prize just for being a boss at Diablo :-P

Haha. I'm hoping to get to Inferno with my hardcore character and then I'll probably start streaming when I do, just so the internet can share in my pain when I inevitably die xD Currently half way through Act 3 with him, only had a couple of close calls when my ping shot up.


Those who are playing the game add me as a friend, I reached level 60 with my monk and I'm on act 3 hell difficulty.


I'm totally addicted to the game!

"What else can happen when an unstoppable force collides with an immovable object?" -- Used to be the player of Vats family. Now I'm the player of Vlad family.


I just feel I should clarify a little of what I said before. When I was talking about the 'Diablo community', I meant the people I've met in game who've generally been quite affable and helpful. The 'community' populating the Diablo III forums on the other hand are a seething morass of bile and hatred. It's slightly depressing.

Anyway, I'm in Inferno now. I've completed Act I but Act II, Quest I is beyond me right now. I've done lots of Act I inferno runs for better gear, but it's starting to grate slightly now. Doing the final quest usually takes 30-45 mins I think and frankly, unless you're really really lucky, you seem to be picking up rubbish. So instead of gear runs, really I'm doing gold runs so I can painstakingly buy overpriced bits of kit on the Auction House. I can see how people can become underwhelmed and frustrated by the level of the challenge in reaching a survivable state for Act II.

It seems there is a consensus that Demon Hunters are one of the most powerful classes and are well suited to higher end play, but I think I need far better reaction times. Too often I've been hitting pots or skills a fraction too late. Better reflexes alone would probably make my travails in Inferno so much easier! I also need a really good party to take attention away as I'm just too squishy even with improving kit in Inferno. I'm doing high damage now by focusing on critical hit chance and critical hit damage % on weapon, skills and a few items so I'm very often hitting criticals in the 70k range. Just a shame that I so often end up in a party with another Demon Hunter, a Wizard and a Witch Doctor. It's not exactly the dream team.

Saying that, I wonder if the problems people are having on Inferno are not so much the difficulty spiking, but the fact that often you're in a random party with people all using their favoured personal skills. Irrespective of their really working well together. For example, if I'm in a game with another DH, maybe one should focus on DPS, the other on crowd control. Not both do the same thing. Perhaps we'd all do much better if at the start of each Inferno game/run, you got a good mix of classes all using complementary skills and builds that maximise your potential to succeed. Once you reach level 60, that's the only other thing you can do other than get new items to try and drastically improve your chances but it's never something anyone mentions in game.

Quote from: Nathan on May 22, 2012, 09:02:07 PM
Haha. I'm hoping to get to Inferno with my hardcore character and then I'll probably start streaming when I do, just so the internet can share in my pain when I inevitably die xD Currently half way through Act 3 with him, only had a couple of close calls when my ping shot up.

All credit to you, fella. I can't even imagine how you've managed that. Especially with all the latency issues. Every time I've played a HC character, it's always been in resignation that I would be let down by bad kit eventually, but lag would probably get me first!


Quote from: Revan on May 31, 2012, 02:08:50 PM
Saying that, I wonder if the problems people are having on Inferno are not so much the difficulty spiking, but the fact that often you're in a random party with people all using their favoured personal skills.

I think it's partly that people don't use Monk/Barbarian because they have trouble in solo Inferno. In a team, they'd probably do quite well, but nobody wants to take that leap.

Quote from: Revan on May 31, 2012, 02:08:50 PM
All credit to you, fella. I can't even imagine how you've managed that. Especially with all the latency issues. Every time I've played a HC character, it's always been in resignation that I would be let down by bad kit eventually, but lag would probably get me first!

Heh, unfortunately my ability to play has been near zero lately so I'm stuck half way through Nightmare on Hardcore. Killing the final boss on Normal was hard (I'll save spoilers for those still playing through for the first time) and I reached a new level of emotional instability throughout the fight xD

I'm thinking my streaming may not come for a veeeeeery long time at this rate. Hopefully the whole "monk is under powered" stuff will have been sorted out by the time I reach that point :P

How much gold you pulling in now? Do you find that those ridiculous prices on the AH are reachable for you now? My house-mates and I keep looking at items and thinking "wtf, no way can we ever get that amount of gold".


Quote from: Nathan on June 01, 2012, 10:43:00 PM
How much gold you pulling in now? Do you find that those ridiculous prices on the AH are reachable for you now? My house-mates and I keep looking at items and thinking "wtf, no way can we ever get that amount of gold".

Gold gets much easier to come by on Inferno. Stacking that Nephalem Valour buff you get at level 60 really makes a difference. Basically, getting a million together isn't beyond the bounds of possibility once you get stuck into Inferno runs. But that doesn't make AH prices any less silly, alas. It would be nice if you could turn to the gem/blacksmiths as an alternative but that's a no go. Creating just one of the highest level gems will cost you hundreds of thousands and the best items you can smith aren't really fit for purpose when you reach Inferno. Not to mention how expensive it is just to get to the highest artisan levels in the first place!


Died at level 43, just over 30 hours of play time. Got stuck in a tight corridor with a Desecrator / Arcane Enchanted champion. Ran off to get to open space, but got caught by the beams as I did. Looks like my dream of a level 60 Hardcore character is now a long way off :P

Quote from: Revan on June 04, 2012, 10:15:12 PM
But that doesn't make AH prices any less silly, alas. It would be nice if you could turn to the gem/blacksmiths as an alternative but that's a no go.

Yeah, I turned to bargain hunting on the AH quite often to get decent gear and gems. The problem is that they've balanced things for the end game (which is fair enough). Crafting things then is rather cheap as you've got so much gold. But early/mid game, things are ridiculously expensive.