Author Topic: Diablo III  (Read 17582 times)


  • Noble Lord
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Re: Diablo III
« Reply #30: May 31, 2012, 02:08:50 PM »
I just feel I should clarify a little of what I said before. When I was talking about the 'Diablo community', I meant the people I've met in game who've generally been quite affable and helpful. The 'community' populating the Diablo III forums on the other hand are a seething morass of bile and hatred. It's slightly depressing.

Anyway, I'm in Inferno now. I've completed Act I but Act II, Quest I is beyond me right now. I've done lots of Act I inferno runs for better gear, but it's starting to grate slightly now. Doing the final quest usually takes 30-45 mins I think and frankly, unless you're really really lucky, you seem to be picking up rubbish. So instead of gear runs, really I'm doing gold runs so I can painstakingly buy overpriced bits of kit on the Auction House. I can see how people can become underwhelmed and frustrated by the level of the challenge in reaching a survivable state for Act II.

It seems there is a consensus that Demon Hunters are one of the most powerful classes and are well suited to higher end play, but I think I need far better reaction times. Too often I've been hitting pots or skills a fraction too late. Better reflexes alone would probably make my travails in Inferno so much easier! I also need a really good party to take attention away as I'm just too squishy even with improving kit in Inferno. I'm doing high damage now by focusing on critical hit chance and critical hit damage % on weapon, skills and a few items so I'm very often hitting criticals in the 70k range. Just a shame that I so often end up in a party with another Demon Hunter, a Wizard and a Witch Doctor. It's not exactly the dream team.

Saying that, I wonder if the problems people are having on Inferno are not so much the difficulty spiking, but the fact that often you're in a random party with people all using their favoured personal skills. Irrespective of their really working well together. For example, if I'm in a game with another DH, maybe one should focus on DPS, the other on crowd control. Not both do the same thing. Perhaps we'd all do much better if at the start of each Inferno game/run, you got a good mix of classes all using complementary skills and builds that maximise your potential to succeed. Once you reach level 60, that's the only other thing you can do other than get new items to try and drastically improve your chances but it's never something anyone mentions in game.

Haha. I'm hoping to get to Inferno with my hardcore character and then I'll probably start streaming when I do, just so the internet can share in my pain when I inevitably die xD Currently half way through Act 3 with him, only had a couple of close calls when my ping shot up.

All credit to you, fella. I can't even imagine how you've managed that. Especially with all the latency issues. Every time I've played a HC character, it's always been in resignation that I would be let down by bad kit eventually, but lag would probably get me first!