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Diablo III

Started by Revan, April 20, 2012, 03:29:14 AM

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My predictions is that this game will be released in Mai 2015.

Honestly, I thought they had pulled a StarCraft: Ghost on this one.
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Spent even more time with the beta. Pretty much addicted now. It was strange getting used to at first, but the beta was basically the perfect microcosm of the whole Diablo experience. You get started, finish all the acts and then there's nothing left to do but start doing runs to keep levelling up and finding those good items. All the while you're unlocking new skills and exploring the crafting system even more thoroughly. There's a whole lot more positive reinforcement in this Diablo than the last one. I'm hooked.

The new skill system is probably perfect. For all my griping, you are either unlocking new skills or runes that change them every level. I dare say it'll taper off a bit later, but not by much. That will make the endgame and all the running later on more interesting as there will be a little more purpose to it. In D2 you spend up to 70 levels with the same skills you'd unlocked by level 30 (of which you'd be able to use a handful.) I reckon once we all have high level characters in D3 proper, that experience won't compare well at all.

As if I started this weekend sceptical about Diablo III >.< Bring on May 15th! ;D


Quote from: Revan on April 23, 2012, 01:17:23 AM
Spent even more time with the beta. Pretty much addicted now. It was strange getting used to at first, but the beta was basically the perfect microcosm of the whole Diablo experience. You get started, finish all the acts and then there's nothing left to do but start doing runs to keep levelling up and finding those good items. All the while you're unlocking new skills and exploring the crafting system even more thoroughly. There's a whole lot more positive reinforcement in this Diablo than the last one. I'm hooked.

The new skill system is probably perfect. For all my griping, you are either unlocking new skills or runes that change them every level. I dare say it'll taper off a bit later, but not by much. That will make the endgame and all the running later on more interesting as there will be a little more purpose to it. In D2 you spend up to 70 levels with the same skills you'd unlocked by level 30 (of which you'd be able to use a handful.) I reckon once we all have high level characters in D3 proper, that experience won't compare well at all.

As if I started this weekend sceptical about Diablo III >.< Bring on May 15th! ;D

So how many acts do they let you play for the beta?


Ahh, meant to put 'acts', they only let you do four quests in what looked like Act I. You 'complete' the beta by about level 8 though and the beta had a level cap of 13. That's where the beta nails the essence of Diablo exact. You were left to run the expansive, three or four level dungeon before the main boss and then the boss battle itself to max out. Meanwhile exp is being doled out in amounts that felt typical to a later game experience. If I didn't know better, I could've been Baal running! >.<


I may have got slightly addicted too...

Completed with Witch Doctor, Demon Hunter, Barbarian & Monk. Maxed Witch Doctor and Demon Hunter. Wanted to complete it with Wizard too, but they shut the servers before I went to bed and then I was working until the servers closed for the end of Open Beta :(

Demon Hunter and Monk seem a little over powered. I hardly ever took damage on my Demon Hunter because of the damage I could dole out at range (Rapid Fire ftw). Managed to get a 110 kill streak on Jar of Souls with the Monk, which seemed slightly silly - and that was only at level 7ish. Witch Doctor and Barbarian seem pretty well balanced, however.

Did anyone get to try co-op? I felt the difficulty scaled pretty well. Nightmarish monsters around most corners with one co-op buddy but they seemed pretty easy to kill if you both used your skills together.


First thing I did on the beta was co-op with a friend. It actually felt a lot more challenging than with a full-party. It was the only time I died all weekend. In fact, I think that was the only character I saw die all weekend! Granted we're only seeing a snippet of the first act but as part of a four-person party, it seemed very difficult to fail.

Not sure about any classes being over/underpowered. A lot seemed to rest on scavenging a decent weapon. Witch Doctor I felt had some of the least satisfactory skills and felt like the weakest class of all the characters I tried, but I ended up hitting my highest DPS with him! With the Monk I had high expectations, but faded later on as I couldn't find a good enough weapon.

I think I must have spent too much time doing runs. I only encountered the Jar of Souls event once, arriving halfway through it. Will have to do some more thorough exploration when the game comes out proper! >.<


Diablo 3's Ability System

An insightful article going into some detail about how the new skill system blows Diablo II's away and how, generally, it's just better game design. Learned a couple of new things that make me even more excited about the game. Apparently once you hit max level you can get an individual buff that increases your item and magic find providing you stay in the same game and progress through killing bosses and monsters. It looks like runs are going to change big time!


So how many people are playing this at midnight?

I wanted to, but Amazon only sent out my pre-order today, so I've got to wait a few days before I get it :(


I pre-ordered it through a couple of hours ago. Currently have the game downloading. Bizarrely, I hear it's up to 10£ cheaper if I'd simply waited to go to a bricks and mortar store at midnight/tomorrow. Which I might as well have done, as I'm actually going to be out when the game goes live! But at least I'll have it ready and waiting for me tomorrow, eh? :-)

Edit: Deffo embarrassed by the number of times I've posted to this thread now. What a fanboy! >.<


Quote from: Revan on May 14, 2012, 08:37:06 PM
Edit: Deffo embarrassed by the number of times I've posted to this thread now. What a fanboy! >.<

Knowledgeable individual who specialises in a specific subset of gaming literature ;)

Amazon pulled off a seeming miracle with regards to the British postal service. They posted Diablo second class (or whatever they use for their free posting service) this morning, it arrived at my house today. Looks like my evening is sorted :D


I'm playing a Demon Hunter and right now I am in love with Twin Chakrams. I might just use them forever and ever. The Act II boss fight was unbelievable. Can't even imagine what a challenge the Act III/IV bosses will be. I think Nightmare/Hell/Inferno difficulties really are going to be hard as nails later on. I'm already sensing, as well, that my gear is going to start letting me down. I'm already keeping rubbish armour just for high dex bonuses. Hopefully I'll stumble across some wonderful things soon!

My one and only gripe with the game so far? People skipping event/boss scenes. The game has been out all of two days. We're all on our very first play-throughs. Yet it seems like no-one wants to spend ten seconds or so listening to a little bit more story. It's infuriating. Skip all you like once we get to nightmare, but don't spoil my fun when I'm playing through for the very first time! :-\

Gustav Kuriga

I honestly don't see what's so great about it. And judging by the metacritic score (3.4/10), neither do most other people.


It is not a bad game but I don't know it can be considered great...


Quote from: Revan on May 16, 2012, 04:44:47 PM
I'm playing a Demon Hunter and right now I am in love with Twin Chakrams.

I'm also playing Demon Hunter, but I've only found 2 usable weapons so far (played for 1 hour 30min), so currently with a very sub-par crossbow.

For teaming with my mates, I was thinking of playing a Witch Doctor simply because they seem they'd be hilarious when they've got all their summoning abilities equipped. But a build like that would suck quite a lot in solo.

Quote from: Revan on May 16, 2012, 04:44:47 PM
My one and only gripe with the game so far? People skipping event/boss scenes.

Going through solo for the cut-scenes/etc, when I go through with friends we're probably going to skip them.

Quote from: Gustav Kuriga on May 16, 2012, 05:21:36 PM
I honestly don't see what's so great about it. And judging by the metacritic score (3.4/10), neither do most other people.

There's been a lot of hate over the servers being unprepared. The game itself is really nice, just people aren't being given a chance to try it out, so they're raging over it. People are also complaining about "bad graphics", which is a ridiculous thing to say, the game looks fine.

Gustav Kuriga

I've seen the gameplay... not really seeing it for much other than a top down wow clone.