Author Topic: Luria  (Read 360058 times)


  • Freeman
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Re: Luria
« Reply #105: June 16, 2012, 09:54:34 AM »
Is this serious? He lied SO much during the entire decline of PeL fiasco. He lied to his realm, he lied to other realms and rulers.

That's just the only case I know of.

Really? What was the lie to the other rulers? He didnt say...Its all right Koli, I like you and are not going to attack you.....*backs turned* wham!"

There was justifications for the war, as has been said many numerous times before hand, and I shall not repeat now.

Fulco took the smart method of protesting him out of office. Its guaranteed to work with enough support, and less risk. Shoot, protesting is half of the reason that Alanna won the civil war a while back.

Indeed, but not a very honourable one. The one being protested cannot even fight back. For example. Realm A has 50 nobles. 15 of them protest, the Ruler is thrown out. 35 do not (supporters of the ruler) They can do nothing to help the ruler. Where as in a proper battle then support is required. This way only a small groups of nobles need to be willing to protest. Not the whole realm. And there is nothing the victims (ruler/supporters) can do about it. Plus you look at it in a SMA, where in the history of a monarchy did you ever see a King get protested out of office, with out an armed conflict of some sort? I cant think of one. especially in the time frame that we are playing in.