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Crusader Kings II Bloodlines Game

Started by Norrel, May 23, 2012, 02:57:59 AM

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Quote from: Tom on July 13, 2012, 08:33:11 AM
It is absolutely worth 12$ and I say that without having seen it (but I just bought it). The first Crusader Kings had no small impact on BM.

I am sure the second game will have even bigger impact ;)


Quote from: fodder on July 13, 2012, 04:11:08 PM
the package on steam doesn't include sword of islam... which is a bit odd.

SoI is still 75% off so you can get it for $2.50. It's a pretty new mod so I guess they still want to make some cashmoney on it.
"it was never wise for a ruler to eschew the trappings of power, for power itself flows in no small measure from such trappings."
- George R.R. Martin ; Melisandre


Quote from: Zakilevo on July 13, 2012, 08:37:02 PM
I am sure the second game will have even bigger impact ;)

Not as far as I can see after one short test game. It seems that CK and BM have developed into different directions. If I were to write BM today, it would be a lot simpler and streamlined, while CK2 has a lot more complexity and options comparted to CK1.


So, this seems interesting, I'd like to try it out, since there seems to be a lot of players here I thought I'd ask for advice.

I'd probably play this mostly on my laptop, because that's what I have with me when I have time to play. It's just below the specs that are officially required (single core instead of dual core, no video card, RAM OK). Is it a very-graphics heavy game? Can it run with some graphics downgraded, or would it be just be unplayably sluggish?

An option would be to look for an old copy of CKI, that would certainly run, and I've never played it anyway.
After all it's a roleplaying game.


I've now played quite bit of CK2. I like it, though I still believe they added just a bit too much complexity, and slacked off on the events of which there could be more and more variety.

I still don't get whole sections, am only slowly grasping the succession laws - my last game was lost because for some reasons I don't get my daughter inherited instead of my son, and she was married non-matrilinear to some king, which I had thought a good move until the succession suddenly switched to her.

And I realized that I'm an empire-builder, not an empire-runner. Much like in BM where I founded or made big several realms (Ubent, OG, Icegate, Lasanar and probably one or two I can't remember), but never had much fun in actually running a large realm. So in CK2 I like starting out with a single region or a small duchy and building it up. I tried playing as the german Kaiser once, but aside from the fun of being able to raise enough armies to roflstomp pretty much anyone aside from the muslims, it wasn't really my boat.

So, I've got one game where I've started as the count of Leicester, gained two duchies, lost them when the king became afraid of my growing powers, now my son has gained back most of it. I've got one game where I was doing well on creating a united Ireland until the succession thing from above happened. I've got one game where I failed at uniting Spain because every time I made war to conquer one of my brothers, the muslims would come in and take avantage of the situation. Then there's one game where I tried a danish prince, not realizing that the succession laws are "choice", and when my father decided that one of my brothers deserved the crown, I rebelled and got squished.

It's lots of fun. The only issue I have with it is that the Mac version sucks and stutters and crashed, because it's a crappy Wine non-port. I hate them for that. Thanks to steam I can play the windows version for no additional charge, but it's still a downer.


Quote from: Tom on August 14, 2012, 12:05:35 PM
It's lots of fun. The only issue I have with it is that the Mac version sucks and stutters and crashed, because it's a crappy Wine non-port. I hate them for that. Thanks to steam I can play the windows version for no additional charge, but it's still a downer.

That's the version I was looking at, so thanks for the advice! Have you played CKI on mac? Is it better?
After all it's a roleplaying game.


Ahh Succession Laws :) They take a bit to understand indeed, and sometimes I still get surprised by them, but they can be very powerful if you use them right. For your daughter, assuming your Laws were Agnatic-Cognatic, your daughter should only have inherited when there were no more eligible males as Sons/Grandsons (Note that being a Bishop makes them ineligible), but I can't tell without the full picture.

While such a situation is very dangerous indeed, there are few things you can try to save your Dynasty line when you end up like that:
-Divorce, remarry properly and get kids (preferably a son). Then any sons you had with the previous husband (+daughters if you only have a daughter) need to be either excluded from the succession (If you're Catholic, you can do this by giving them a Church Holding or appointing them as a heir to one if you have Free Investiture) or simply killed off.
-Try to switch Succession Laws to Elective (Very powerful and stable, but can go wrong very quickly if not properly managed) so you can choose a Heir from your Dynasty or Seniority (Can be very powerful but also very brittle) so the oldest member of your Dynasty inherits instead of your kids.

Of course, this won't go without some resistance or problems, but at least it'll save your Dynasty!

Starting out as an Emperor or a very strong King can be very boring in my opinion unless you have some plan to give yourself a challenge (Become a Heretic for example). The journey towards becoming that King or Emperor and all the setbacks in between is the fun part. I think that's where CK2 also succeeds very well: It's not about winning, it's all about the journey (Which is why CK2 and BM are so damn addicting and fun). Having no setbacks makes the game boring! I generally quit games before the end if I've become that big and powerful as I've already completed any self-set objectives. Playing a Count or Duke under a King is much more fun as you try and manipulate your way up to the top.

Starting out in the Iberian Peninsula as a Catholic is one of the more difficult spots you can start at, as the Sunnis will quickly join forces against you while you have two brothers eyeing each other's thrones instead of joining forces together, but can also be very fun. One of the recent patches gave the Catholics there a bit of a buff so they at least have a chance at surviving. A good bet there would be to try and ally with France and pray France stays stable enough to be able to help you. Basically, it's all about surviving until the first Holy Order appears, after which you can can actually start fighting back a bit.

My last game was actually as Galicia, and I got very lucky by the Sunnis fighting each other (You can try assassinating strong Sunni Rulers and hope for a succession crisis as well) while my two brothers beat each other up, allowing me to conquer Leon very quickly without too many casualties. Never really managed to ally with France without them in a Civil War or replacing Kings. I then had two Jihads called against me for Galicia, lost that Kingdom and started to lose regions in Leon. I was in the middle defending in a war with my last Duchy at stake when the first Holy Order appeared. That's when things turned around. Most fun I ever had. Rest of the game I spend keeping Galicia for myself, while, instead of expanding, trying to install various Dynasty Members into the independent Kingdoms around me (That wasn't that great of a success though, as the inheritances just make a whole mess of that if you aren't careful).

Another very difficult, if not the most difficult, start is Abyssinia. They do not have access to any Mercenaries or Holy Orders, their lands and tech are terrible, are Orthodox Heretics with thus no Allies, and are surrounded by Muslims for whom they are just easy pickings. This guy here is doing a playthrough as Abyssinia (Starting out several patches and changes ago), having the worst kind of luck yet holding on and it's absolutely hilarious and fun to read:

I don't want to spoil anything, but I really recommend reading it if you have the time.


Quote from: Telrunya on August 14, 2012, 02:13:13 PM
(Note that being a Bishop makes them ineligible)

That is probably what happened.

-Divorce, remarry properly and get kids (preferably a son).
Tried that, but she was in her 40s already.

-Try to switch Succession Laws to Elective (Very powerful and stable, but can go wrong very quickly if not properly managed) so you can choose a Heir from your Dynasty or Seniority (Can be very powerful but also very brittle) so the oldest member of your Dynasty inherits instead of your kids.
The description of elective made me think that the realm lords, e.g. my vassals, get a vote in the matter. Entirely not what I want. My next game will be somewhere in France and my IC goal will be to be the Sun King at least a hundred years prior to the real one. :-)

Starting out as an Emperor or a very strong King can be very boring in my opinion unless you have some plan to give yourself a challenge (Become a Heretic for example). The journey towards becoming that King or Emperor and all the setbacks in between is the fun part. I think that's where CK2 also succeeds very well: It's not about winning, it's all about the journey (Which is why CK2 and BM are so damn addicting and fun). Having no setbacks makes the game boring!
Totally. One of my best times was when the king imprisoned my duke and usurped the duchy, and his son then went plotting to get it all back, and in the end even managed to ransom father free.


Elective give you and anyone one rank below you a vote (Empires may also have Dukes voting, not sure), but they can only vote for one of themselves or someone from your family. Your vote will always break the tie though. Lords should generally be inclined to vote for your choice if they are happy. Some people swear by it, as it gives no pretenders and great flexibility, but the one time I tried using it in my case I get just enough Dukes to vote for someone else, including the son I want as heir that I installed as Duke (Hoping he would do the sensible thing and vote for himself, but noooo). I don't really like it due that, but apparently it has great potential.