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A Matter Of Honour // This-Is-How-You-Declare-War.

Started by Allomere, June 29, 2012, 06:19:43 PM

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Quote from: Velax on June 29, 2012, 11:34:58 PM
So, getting rid of all the superfluous crap, Aurvandil tool three regions from Barca that didn't belong to them, and the Aurvandil response to Barca's failed negotiations is to...take more regions?

We didn't take the regions, they were handed to us by the lords and Barca failed to make any meaningful progress in discussion to get the regions back, which Aurvandil was perfectly willing to do.

Quote from: Uzamaki on June 29, 2012, 11:36:21 PM
It's about courtesy. But we can see you have none by the post above.

I agree, to an extent.


Quote from: Uzamaki on June 29, 2012, 11:36:21 PM
It's about courtesy. But we can see you have none by the post above.


Uncalled for.


Quote from: Velax on June 29, 2012, 11:34:58 PM
So, getting rid of all the superfluous crap, Aurvandil tool three regions from Barca that didn't belong to them, and the Aurvandil response to Barca's failed negotiations is to...take more regions?

Barcan nobles chose to give us some regions, we just chose to not give them back


Quote from: DamnTaffer on June 29, 2012, 11:40:07 PM
Barcan nobles chose to give us some regions, we just chose to not give them back

Which could quite easily be seen as synonymous with "taking".


Quote from: Allomere on June 29, 2012, 06:19:43 PM

It seemed Allomere was destined to be deployed time and time again in untamed and savage regions beset with rogue flora and an uncultured populace.

The earth embankments and woodworks that formed the defensive curtain to the city seemed to blend with the forest that lay to all sides.

To live in such woodland squalor was the height of depravity. Even the conscripted street children of The Imperial City formerly lived like nobility by comparison.

The bold portions are what I have a problem with. All the rest I consider mere hyperbole, as formerly suggested.

The peasants are uncultured? I can see that if they were rogue, and I could see them described as different or weird. But to say uncultured is tantamount to saying that the nobles over them are inept at culturing them.

Earth embankments and woodworks? Really? They have a level 4 or level 5 fortress in Rettleville don't they? Maybe as a palisade or motte and bailey could I see that description, but if it's a fortress, that's not even close to being an accurate description unless that wood is freaking petrified.

The nobles live in the woodland too. To say living in a woodland is depraved... Is quite insulting and uncalled for.


Quote from: Uzamaki on June 29, 2012, 11:51:04 PM
The bold portions are what I have a problem with. All the rest I consider mere hyperbole, as formerly suggested.

The peasants are uncultured? I can see that if they were rogue, and I could see them described as different or weird. But to say uncultured is tantamount to saying that the nobles over them are inept at culturing them.

Earth embankments and woodworks? Really? They have a level 4 or level 5 fortress in Rettleville don't they? Maybe as a palisade or motte and bailey could I see that description, but if it's a fortress, that's not even close to being an accurate description unless that wood is freaking petrified.

The nobles live in the woodland too. To say living in a woodland is depraved... Is quite insulting and uncalled for.

Peasants uncultured? Well I won't try to defend that as not insulting, but the peasant culture in Barca would certainly be juxtaposed to Aurvandil's. But then, this is SMA and it wasn't uncommon for people to believe other peoples to be uncultured.

As for earth embankments and woodworks, well what is wrong with that? It would have to be an earthen embankment, to provide proper foundation since Rettleville is on top of a crag or whatever, as we can see on the Rettleville picture, as for wood works, well they live in a forest, and are you really saying they would have no woodworks whatsoever? Nor is it impossible for them to have incredibly high quality and intricate fortifications that partially consist of wooden sections. In a place like Rettleville, with only one approach, you wouldn't even need to have complete stone fortifications, and wooden sections would make more sense.


One could reasonably object to having their region described to them in an unflattering or even inaccurate ways. Then again, that's why we have a region description feature. Why not use it?


Quote from: Solari on June 29, 2012, 11:58:41 PM
One could reasonably object to having their region described to them in an unflattering or even inaccurate ways. Then again, that's why we have a region description feature. Why not use it?



Quote from: NoblesseChevaleresque on June 29, 2012, 11:56:24 PM
Peasants uncultured? Well I won't try to defend that as not insulting, but the peasant culture in Barca would certainly be juxtaposed to Aurvandil's. But then, this is SMA and it wasn't uncommon for people to believe other peoples to be uncultured.

As for earth embankments and woodworks, well what is wrong with that? It would have to be an earthen embankment, to provide proper foundation since Rettleville is on top of a crag or whatever, as we can see on the Rettleville picture, as for wood works, well they live in a forest, and are you really saying they would have no woodworks whatsoever? Nor is it impossible for them to have incredibly high quality and intricate fortifications that partially consist of wooden sections. In a place like Rettleville, with only one approach, you wouldn't even need to have complete stone fortifications, and wooden sections would make more sense.

Technically peasants are always uncultured, but I assumed he meant uncultured compared to other peasants.

Earth and wood was a by gone age... This is a game mirroring the time of the Middle Ages. Earth and wood as a fortress would not have lasted long. No doubt they have wooden buildings, but I doubt a fortress, as described by the game, would be wood and earth. Also, they can always import stone.


Quote from: Solari on June 29, 2012, 11:58:41 PM
One could reasonably object to having their region described to them in an unflattering or even inaccurate ways. Then again, that's why we have a region description feature. Why not use it?

True, he can describe it in unflattering and inaccurate ways. But to truly see it in some of the ways as described, as his character truly does, that is just wrong in my opinion.

And I agree, it should be a more used option, which is why I try to make region descriptions of most of the regions I Lord over.


Quote from: Uzamaki on June 30, 2012, 12:01:29 AM
Technically peasants are always uncultured, but I assumed he meant uncultured compared to other peasants.

Earth and wood was a by gone age... This is a game mirroring the time of the Middle Ages. Earth and wood as a fortress would not have lasted long. No doubt they have wooden buildings, but I doubt a fortress, as described by the game, would be wood and earth. Also, they can always import stone.

Earthen embankments were still in use, as cravats I think, where you pile up earth on both sides of the wall, which strengthen the walls, which was well used for stone walls. Besides which, using earth embankments were still common simply because it makes it harder to siege a fortification if you have to scale an embankment, or to traverse a series of Dikes supported by Embankments. You seem to think that simply saying that Barca uses earth, or wood, as apart of their fortifications is insulting, which it isn't.


Quote from: Uzamaki on June 30, 2012, 12:01:29 AM
Technically peasants are always uncultured, but I assumed he meant uncultured compared to other peasants.

Earth and wood was a by gone age... This is a game mirroring the time of the Middle Ages. Earth and wood as a fortress would not have lasted long. No doubt they have wooden buildings, but I doubt a fortress, as described by the game, would be wood and earth. Also, they can always import stone.

Importing stone is also very expensive so its not illogical to imagine that in an area surrounded by trees there would be a large ammount of wood used in ALL construction be it fortress or outhouse.

Also, why is the politeness of a war declaration roleplay which suggests the ENEMY is lesser than its authors such a matter of contention. It is almost certainly a propaganda roleplay.


Quote from: Uzamaki on June 30, 2012, 12:05:28 AM
True, he can describe it in unflattering and inaccurate ways. But to truly see it in some of the ways as described, as his character truly does, that is just wrong in my opinion.

Which is why I was suggesting that Mendicant should have utilized the description available.  ;)


Quote from: NoblesseChevaleresque on June 30, 2012, 12:07:20 AM
Earthen embankments were still in use, as cravats I think, where you pile up earth on both sides of the wall, which strengthen the walls, which was well used for stone walls. Besides which, using earth embankments were still common simply because it makes it harder to siege a fortification if you have to scale an embankment, or to traverse a series of Dikes supported by Embankments. You seem to think that simply saying that Barca uses earth, or wood, as apart of their fortifications is insulting, which it isn't.

I don't think we are going to agree on this even though we both have good descriptions on what we see in the matter. You see one thing, I see another. We should agree to disagree.


Actually, the picture of Rettleville on the Wiki quite clearly shows stone is the main material used in the walls and other fortifications.

Amusingly, the people are also described as displaying "some trappings of civilization but also a tinge of savage passion for the environment as one would expect from those who not only live within nature but are at one with the spirits of the woods."