Author Topic: Faery Tale Online  (Read 207611 times)


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Re: Faery Tale Online
« Reply #45: July 20, 2012, 10:34:55 PM »
Sorry for all the long posts. I could think of too many questions to add into the FAQ, so they kept growing while I was writing them. Here's another very useful resource, but this time not written by me, but taken from the FTO facebook group to help you playing as a child. The list is written for the development of a human child, so there might of course be some adjustments necessary for other races in FTO.

1-6 Months
average - smiling, laughing, cooing, gurgling, recognizing parent's voice, grasping items, knowing your own name, looking at new sounds, eating solid foods, imitation of sounds.
advanced - bating at toys, able to sit up for short amount of time, seperation anxiety, chewing on objects, lunging forward, dragging objects

7-12 Months
average - crawling, followed by standing while holding onto things, pointing, eating with fingers, banging objects together, understands "no" (thats your queue to be as obnoxious as you can until you can speak), know 1 word besides mama and dada
advanced - waving bye, stand on own, incidicate wants with gestures, peek-a-boo, saying mama and dada to the right parent, stand without help a few seconds, followed by walking alone, know two other words besides mama and papa

1.5 years
average - holding out arms and legs to help get dressed, intiating playing games, running, climbing, speaking more clearly, stringing words together in short phrases, responding to simple commands
advanced - rolling objects back and forth, "helping" people, shushing others, undressing self, becoming picky about foods, dancing, sorting objects

2 Years
average - 200 words, walking up stairs, opening doors, singing simple songs, playing with other kids, talking to self
advanced - touching their privates in public, dress self, starts asking "why?", learning to jump

3 Years
average - pronouns, washing and drying hands, balance on one foot, recognizing gender differences, children start to understand jokes (but often can't), potty trained (but no toliets in this world)
advanced - can speak clearly 50% of the time, knows a single color, names one friend, starting to learn abc's

4 years
Cooperative playing, imaginary friends, can start cleaning up after themselves, nearly clear speech, counting to 10, draw a simple person, talking about things they did today, sadness, fear, anger, anxiety,showing interest in other children's bodies.
Side note: Children typically don't remember anything before this age

5 years
Can care for self, some independant work, begins sharing with others, understands cause and effect, happy to get away from parents for short period of time, understands authority, self control, using comparison words (bigger, smaller), skipping, standing on tippy toes, knows own age, can tell short stories, make believe, prentends to be a mom or dad

6 years
Parents emmotions effect children, count up to 100, right from left, forming bonds with other important adults besides the parents.

8 years
Tell time, read for pleasure, sense of humor, bothered by good and bad / fair and unfair, helping others with simple task
Side note: Girls can start to hit puberty at this age

10 years
Very social, bothered by things that make him/her different from others (being short, overweight, etc), can help other effectively
Side note: boys can start to hit puberty at this age

12 years
Boys and girls should have hit puberty by now and should be an emmotional wreck, switch between repsonsible and irresponsible, and start to declare independance from their parents.

14 years
Think they are indestructable, are idealistic, wants everything now, impulsive, moody, messy, mouthy, self centered, worried about their bodies and how they look, can feel isolated, social life is more important

16 years
PMS, very sensitive, continues to test authority, dating, opinionated, privacy

18 years
Self confidence again, friends of both sexes, recognizes rules and authority, considerate, self-identity


    1-6 Months
    7-12 Months
    1.5 Years Old
    2 Years Old
    2.5 Years Old
    3 Years Old
    Birth to 18 Years Old
« Last Edit: July 24, 2012, 01:00:12 AM by Andira »